Official TW Logo Contest [legit af bros]

see, it's this shit right here

"all news is biased, therefore Tucker is just as valid as anyone else"

this is why you're a joke to half your own country and the rest of the western world
see, it's this shit right here

"all news is biased, therefore Tucker is just as valid as anyone else"

this is why you're a joke to half your own country and the rest of the western world

Actually. You and the rest of the western world were bent over a barrel and buttfucked by covid, global warming, and forced migration in order to whitewash society. Pardon me if I don't play along. You can believe what you want, we have seen enough that tells us otherwise. Its not just "tucker" he just has a simple podcast it is a combination of US congressional hearings and news that is hidden based on agenda.

We ALL "believed" many things that have proven to not be true. We know climate change is only a tool to gain control. They literally fucking wrote it out before using it. You joke like we are the conspiracy theorists while gobbling up climate change. Well many MANY things that were supposedly conspiracy theories turned out to be factual.

Good example: WHO/Fauci did gain of function in Wuhan. It was also a lab leak.

How many times did everyone go "Ohhhhh Trump and the trumpers are rasis and stupid..CDC said.."

I don't mind conversations about things but the constant back and forth of "you are stupid" has got old.
We know climate change is only a tool to gain control. They literally fucking wrote it out before using it.
Who's "they", where have they written it out, and have you shared any of these revelations with, say, a university professor in a relevant field?
Actually. You and the rest of the western world were bent over a barrel and buttfucked by covid, global warming, and forced migration in order to whitewash society. Pardon me if I don't play along. You can believe what you want, we have seen enough that tells us otherwise. Its not just "tucker" he just has a simple podcast it is a combination of US congressional hearings and news that is hidden based on agenda.

We ALL "believed" many things that have proven to not be true. We know climate change is only a tool to gain control. They literally fucking wrote it out before using it. You joke like we are the conspiracy theorists while gobbling up climate change. Well many MANY things that were supposedly conspiracy theories turned out to be factual.

Good example: WHO/Fauci did gain of function in Wuhan. It was also a lab leak.

How many times did everyone go "Ohhhhh Trump and the trumpers are rasis and stupid..CDC said.."

I don't mind conversations about things but the constant back and forth of "you are stupid" has got old.

nah seriously though this is a HELL of a post to respond to an accusation of being gullible and uncritical of biased media :rofl:
curious about this - can you expand on it? who forced what migration and how does it whitewash ... i cant even guess

This is obviously a conspiracy theory since no one would come out and say it. It is an obvious reason in the US though and Europe is (I think) the same.

It's not humanitarian to flood your country with specific countries. US didn't want Cubans specifically because they are VERY anti-socialism/communism aka probable conservatives. Then once in these "refugees" establish their own townships and laws rather than assimilate to the country they came to.
The WEF and Soros have openly said exactly this was a route to reset countries. It was also written that "Climate Change" was going to be the path to control people.

Rape in Europe has skyrocketed and shocker, the vast majority have been refugees.

I could be talking out of my ass but I doubt it.
i dont think u really answered any of my questions

well i guess maybe soros was an answer

maybe you're talking about white replacement theory? if so i don't know if 'whitewash' is the best word for that
posts like that honestly leave me like this irl


the mind-bottling lack of self-awareness to respond to an accusation of not thinking for yourself with a bunch of drivel about the WEF and this just a big troll? are you fucking with me? :lol:
this thread exemplifies tw's death

zero content and havax screeching like a fuckin baby :lol:

it isnt the nexting that killed tw

its this shit right here
im still waiting for Deuce biggalo to explain to us this mystery news network he gets his unbiased reporting so he can make a sane judgement on the politics in the USA
every journalist or news story applies spin, you can't find entirely unbiased reporting anywhere...this is basic uno...all you can do is read a wide range of material, focus on the facts and ignore the fluff, and form your own opinion

having worked in academic journals for a long time, I tend to put my faith in peer reviewed studies (while acknowledging that they can still be corrupted or presented in a biased way)

I'm much more likely to believe the numbers and statistics reported by a government organization (which will have oversight and checks to ensure accuracy) or an academic study than some unattributed graph that originated on 4chan
You said it right. You have to use multiple sources and not one singular. Every single place you get news is tainted one way or another. TBH people gravitate towards certain sources because it's on the angles they want to hear. It is a crying shame it has gone to this. News stifled because of the race or the party.

I like peer reviews and yes they can be tainted as well. Getting multiple on the same subject is fun.
every journalist or news story applies spin, you can't find entirely unbiased reporting anywhere...this is basic uno...all you can do is read a wide range of material, focus on the facts and ignore the fluff, and form your own opinion

having worked in academic journals for a long time, I tend to put my faith in peer reviewed studies (while acknowledging that they can still be corrupted or presented in a biased way)

I'm much more likely to believe the numbers and statistics reported by a government organization (which will have oversight and checks to ensure accuracy) or an academic study than some unattributed graph that originated on 4chan

Deuce Biggalo 'worked in academic journals' :lol: why am i not surprised.
scoobs do u no longer want 2 talk about this 'forced migration' that u brought up in this logo thread

cuz it's still a little unclear about how it was 'forced' and why and now i'm curious about the multiple sources u researched 2 come 2 this conclusion
scoobs do u no longer want 2 talk about this 'forced migration' that u brought up in this logo thread

cuz it's still a little unclear about how it was 'forced' and why and now i'm curious about the multiple sources u researched 2 come 2 this conclusion

well bc u need 2 use multiple sources, infowars and stormfront r on the table for impartial scooby