[Official] The best Breed of Cat is




I used to have a flamepoint himalayan, he was a badass cat but my ex took him :(
Although I dont have white hairs all over my house now.

I've been looking into buying a Bengal sometime soon but those Savannah and Servals look bad ass might have to look into to them also
Happycat is a British Shorthair, and they rock... mine plays fetch with his catnip mouse. Super intelligent and date back to the Romans in Britain. They have the softest, thickest coat ever.. its like velvet.

Yes I know I'm very gay for giving a shit.
I used to have a flamepoint himalayan, he was a badass cat but my ex took him :(
Although I dont have white hairs all over my house now.

I've been looking into buying a Bengal sometime soon but those Savannah and Servals look bad ass might have to look into to them also

make sure to check out your local laws. Savannah/Servals are illegal to own in some areas.
maine coon cats are cool but you'll have hair all over the fucking house

Ours doesn't shed at all. I felt bad for him during the summer since he's got a huge black coat of fur. He would avoid direct sunlight because it would get him so hot :(

The only time any fur gets on the carpet is when he play-fights with our first cat.

Why exactly are they illegal?

I don't think they're very domesticated. If you let a cat like that out it would probably end up killing a few housecats or dogs.
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