[Official]Stranger Things Season 2 Netflix

It was okay, not as good as season 1. i think max was a pretty crappy character and billy, as a character, had much more potential but they failed to capitalize on it. i think he should have banged some moms, fucked something up out of spite, and died for it.
what is crazy is that she kind of looks like a young winnona ryder imo

Not until Ep2.

And this season was great. Y'all need to get over yourselves.
jarjar bright them to underwater jamaica, got them into the capital to save the queen, then later brokered the deal for the jamaican army to fight cartoon robots with their blue balls.

billy...dropped max off at the arcade.

i think the first season was great, this was just unoriginal and uninspiring. mostly, was boring.
I would have liked a heavier PTSD angle and some addition paranoia of both the government and fear of subsequent creatures arriving from the upside down. That would have brought back more tension to s2 since the mains all have plot armor.

I don't think Mr. Tinfoil Hat and 8's plot lines took the fear of the agency far enough. 8 was way under developed
It was ok, but it just wasn't epic.

I can think of a lot of things to make it better. But the #1 thing they screwed up, is that the monster just wasn't that scary, and it never really seemed very intelligent or evil or even powerful.
Steve and Dustin are the only interesting characters. You can pretty much edit half of the characters out of the show and have zero narrative impact.
In Season 2’s final episode, “Chapter 9: the Gate,” Max (Sadie Sink) and Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin) share a kiss. It’s a sweet moment particularly because so much time was spent exploring the chemistry between the duo this season. However during an episode of Beyond Stranger Things, the show’s after show talk show, Sink was quick to point out that the Max and Lucas kiss wasn’t originally in the script. Things only got weirdly heated from there.

The 15-year-old actress is clearly upset as she explains the shock of learning that she had to do an onscreen kiss without any forewarning. She admitted the looming kiss stressed her out. “One of you, I think it was you Ross, you say, ‘Ooh, Sadie, you ready for the kiss?’ I’m like, ‘What! No! That’s not in the script … that’s not happening,” Sink said.

In response, the Duffer brothers didn’t console her or apologize. Instead Ross Duffer told Sink that adding in the kiss was her fault. According to Duffer, they originally brought up the kiss as a joke, but Sink’s reaction prompted them to include it in the episode. “You reacted so strongly to this. I was just joking, And you were so freaked out that I was like well, I gotta make her do it now,” the director said (the boy is black and the girl is white). “That’s why I’m saying it’s your fault.”

Fans Are Upset ‘Stranger Things’ Added In A Kiss Scene To Make A Teen Actress Uncomfortable | Decider
if someone I knew had an issue with this kiss thing, I wouldn't be able to talk to them ever again
if someone I knew had an issue with this kiss thing, I wouldn't be able to talk to them ever again
If I knew someone like you in real life, I'd be disgusted to even look at you. I'd get cuck vibes just from being around you. The producers inserted a kiss scene specifically because the girl reacted strongly to it. They literally thought-police'd her, and we know it's because of race. Screw you, dude.
TV shows are evidently a really, really big deal to this basement dwelling incel rager :D

They are making fun of Trump and white people 90% of the time. The only people who'd deny this are the people who actually hate Trump or white people and are fine watching a show about shitting on your own race and country. I would get tired of watching self-loathing shit shoved down my throat and I'd watch something else instead, which I do. inb4 I get a "social justice warrior" insult from sjws telling me how evil I am for having opinions and not wasting my time.

It's not the fact that they make fun of him that bothers me, it's the fact that they only make fun of him when they could also make fun of the biggest crowd of cry babies instead, crazy leftists. And instead of portraying leftists as the self-loathing, ugly, awkward and rebellious people that they are, they portrayed them as jocks. And instead of shitting on BLM or the #Resistance, they make too much fun of the Charlottesville guys. So not even there they had the balls to fully make fun of the actual retards.

Their humor doesn't work because in order to make a good caricature/parody of an event or a person, that event must had actually taken place or that person must've presented those traits. For example, I cannot make fun of youtube for being crazy about the US Army because youtube was never fucking crazy about the US army. And they cannot ONLY make fun of people who voted for Trump being stupid rednecks that fuck shit up when it's the people who didn't vote for him that are freaking out and making protests or destroying people's proprieties. It's not funny, it's just low-effort writing to shit on someone that I don't like. If you'd look at the social media accounts of Matt and Trey now, you'd understand why South park is even shittier. I think that right now American Dad is the only animated sitcom left that's worth watching. Not incredible, but better.

if I wasn't such a lazy piece of shit I'd quote him crying about female writers ruining Rick and Morty too :roller: