[Official] July 2-6 in NYC/NJ

suit night with me and sweaty teddy will not be a good idea in july

plus i dont want to lug one around for a week
ayz still didnt put me on the first post

hr if you really want me to come, i better be on that front post bro
this shit is going to be out of control We will drink at Bar A all day. I can not wait.
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Fonzie and I can leave Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday.

Will there be a place for us to sleep at the shore?
K, we'll just come up for the day and play it by ear then.

I was really looking forward to getting smashed though.
So I'm confused. We're staying at the hotel in New York but where the hell are we crashing in NJ?
Yeah i thought akuma said he had a beach house people would be staying at? Now its rented out and the house is his aunts and no one can sleep there? WTF? lol