[Official] I am done defending the DS


I can't do it anymore. Nintendo has let me down once again.

ATTENTION**** This isn't a fanboi post.

Anyway, for those of you stuck on deciding , or with elitist fanboi attitudes lets walk through the story of me.

I ask for the ds for christmas, and I get it. Woot woot I say, I buy madden myself and I get mario with the system. Mario is fun for , about a week. The mini games got old fast, and the lack of a analog stick was killer. Just wasn't FUN. I sold madden within 2 weeks because it was a peice of shit. (no explanation needed.) I then bought feel the magic, again let down big time. Then I bought Wario Ware, now this game is fun. Very fun, however it lasted a whole 2 fucking days then I beat it and unlocked every sinlge thing. Fun? Very, long lasting ? No. I keep waiting for the next cool fun ds game, and to be honest there are a couple on the horizon, maybe the next mario kart, Yoshi touch and go, and that quick draw pacman. However, I can't help but feel like the touchpad is nothing more then a novelty as it brings no real substance. Its like "oh hey thats fun *doodle doodle doddle* Ok, not fun anymore"
So here I am contemplating a PSP, and while it is quite a bit expensive, and has horrible battery life (comparetively) It still seems to yell out at me BUY ME , BUY ME. So I figured it out today , I was walking though the electronics spot at my job (that area I work at ) and I was taking a look at the Teaser Box that the psp will eventually reside in. Then I took a look at a couple of the "coming soon" game boxes. Then I thought to myself *STUPID* The battery wont drain near as long if you can just download movies from your laptop with your dvd burner, gosh darn you stilly, because without having to access a disc every 5 seconds, I could easily fit 3-4 compressed movies onto a 1 gig memory stick and watch all 3-4 of them. That got me going, then I thought about the music portion of it. hey I always wanted a decent MP3 player, and shit the graphics are alot better then I gave it credit for.
The Sony rep came into the store and was telling us all about it and she had a Japanese model to demo. I cannot explain in words how beautiful that screen is. It really feels like you have a mini-hdtv. With some bad ass games at line up, the possibility for Emulator use, being able to put my own ripped movies on it, I just can't help but think WTF was wrong with me.


Anyway, I'm going to sell my DS, and buy a PSP..... I don't understand why I didn't figure out the DS was a better gift for my 9 year old sister (who plays it WAY more often then I do. )


The DS is a good system, but not compared to the psp for my age group
I want something cooler
I want a mp3 player
I want a portable movie player
I want a psp

it's awsomeness has erased all ignorance of defending the DS hail the new handheld king.
I have a DS, and trust me, its gathering a LOT of dust. Pretty much the only thing I'm playing is the metroid demo multiplayer with my friends. Its very fun, but its sad that I'm only playing the free demo.

Actually, I was starting to feel the same way about things. The DS looks like it has huge potential for fun, while the software for it is strangely lacking. Hopefully, however, better games WILL be coming out for it.

My hope is to do this:

1. Buy the PSP, and enjoy it as much as I know I will. Its got more features than any PVPs, any mp3 players, and any game systems. Its an amazing work of art, and I really can't wait to get one. It also has its wireless interweb working out of the box, rather than a vague line from nintendo about incorporating it later. The games lineup for the PSP looks great too.

2. Let my DS sit and gather dust while I wait for a better use for it.

3. Hopefully it will become fun, and if not, I will sell it before the rest of the world realizes the same thing and it goes the way of the virtual boy.

that is my input.
Stage01 said:
Damnit that is a good point...

but what about the movies/mp3/picture viewer capabilities.

i can do without anything electronic when i am away from my house

read a book
i gotta admit the ds is the best damn doorstop i ever had i can't thank nintendo enough for the great product
DS is completely stupid
There is no reason to get a DS unless you intend on playing the same game over and over after you've beaten it for the 10th time
They just made DS because it looked like a great product and it had such great potentional (And it did) but the fact is, if you really want to play a real game, just get a PC or even if you want, get a gamecube which is better than a DS
The Nintendo DS isn't Nintendo's primary gaming handheld, although they didn't admit this before everyone actually went and bought out. They have stated that the focus of the DS is to provide gaming as a side benefit to it being a PDA. I quote, "The machine will evolve from a pure gaming machine into a PDA equipped to play Nintendo 64 quality games".

They will be revealing the GameBoy Advance 2 come this year's E3, which will be their primary gaming handheld machine, boasting all the specifications and games that'll contend and presumably crush the PSP.


Bad luck, DS buyers. :shrug:
People play games on cell phones.
The Nintendo thing was great, but it's time as a huge thing everyone does has come and gone.
Plus Americans are buying X-box, because it's American.
Flame away, flame away.
NoGodForMe said:
People play games on cell phones.
The Nintendo thing was great, but it's time as a huge thing everyone does has come and gone.
Plus Americans are buying X-box, because it's American.
Flame away, flame away.

xboxes are shitty, most people buy xboxes to download games directly to the console. here's a cool did you know fact: did you know that xbox hasnt turned a profit yet? i mean xbox live is pulling in some money but yeah
NoGodForMe said:
People play games on cell phones.
The Nintendo thing was great, but it's time as a huge thing everyone does has come and gone.
Plus Americans are buying X-box, because it's American.
Flame away, flame away.

people buy xbox because its easy to warez the games.
warioware, zoo-keeper and metroid demo are 3 of the most fun games available for any system.

furthermore, they wont be releasing a GBA2 - they will be releasing essentially a GBA Version 3 - it wont be a new system, rather, a modified version of the GBA (like the SP was to the original)
Thriky said:
The Nintendo DS isn't Nintendo's primary gaming handheld, although they didn't admit this before everyone actually went and bought out. They have stated that the focus of the DS is to provide gaming as a side benefit to it being a PDA. I quote, "The machine will evolve from a pure gaming machine into a PDA equipped to play Nintendo 64 quality games".

They will be revealing the GameBoy Advance 2 come this year's E3, which will be their primary gaming handheld machine, boasting all the specifications and games that'll contend and presumably crush the PSP.


Bad luck, DS buyers. :shrug:

Man I can't wait until E3.

To me, the DS was pretty much a gimmick. Yes, the idea was good on paper but the implementation has yet to prove worthwhile. I never wanted a Virtual Boy because I knew it wouldn't last just like the VR craze. I am just as hesitant with the DS for the same reason.

With the GBA2, however, I shall preorder as soon as I can. Nintendo has yet to let me down on the Game Boy line. Hell, they haven't let me down with their consoles (read: me, I don't care if they let down anyone else).

[edit] It seems the above poster is correct.


I'll stick with my GBA v1.
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its obvious nintendo at this point has marketed their shit toward kids.. end of story. Sure game cube may have some "older" games but its mainly for kids.

thats why the games are so easy to beat.

Sony and xbox own the older market, and nintendo has to focus on a nitch to keep above water.

sad but true.
AkumA said:
its obvious nintendo at this point has marketed their shit toward kids.. end of story. Sure game cube may have some "older" games but its mainly for kids.

thats why the games are so easy to beat.

Sony and xbox own the older market, and nintendo has to focus on a nitch to keep above water.

sad but true.

That "niche" is keeping them in a yacht made out of pure gold where they are served martinis by naked super models with an endless supply of pie.

They are not hurting at all.

And appealing to an older audience doesn't make great games, nor (neccessarily) make them harder.