[Official] Hearthstone

It looks like the minion gains charge as text when it is played.

So you have to play the commander first (since it's no longer an AoE aura effect). Then you play something like a wogen, gain the charge effect, then damage it and attack.

so essentially, commander, worgen, inner rage x2 and faceless manipulator OTK still works
Faceless manipulator doesn't allow you to attack with the minion on the same turn you use it so it would still give the other player at least a chance to do something against it. I'm assuming the faceless manipulator is going to count as a 5 attack creature like it says on the card test so the charge effect wouldn't work.

edit: I guess manipulator is 3 attack. So maybe it works. I somehow doubt it though. Also, you would have to have either the commander or worgen out on the board already due to the mana cost of everything.
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Faceless manipulator doesn't allow you to attack with the minion on the same turn you use it so it would still give the other player at least a chance to do something against it. I'm assuming the faceless manipulator is going to count as a 5 attack creature like it says on the card test so the charge effect wouldn't work.

if the minion copied has charge, the charge will work on same turn
faceless copy worked prepatch.

guess i'll go try it

edit: didn't realise warsong was 3 mana, worgen was 3 and faceless was 5. need the coin.
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i really feel those who go second win more games... would like official stats from bliz to confirm.
i am trying to level up all of the decks to 10 and warrior sucks balls. i think ive won 1 out of 6 games. and i dont think ive lost to a warrior yet when playing anything but warrior in the 50 or so games ive played.
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Play versus Expert AI until level 10, so you unlock all of the starter deck before PVP play. Wins versus Expert AI count toward your 100 total win bonus, if you haven't gotten that already.