[Official] Colts vs Jaguars

This really may be one of the worst displays of run defense Ive ever witnessed. I mean, I know the colts D is undersized, and thats really by design, but you should still be able to plug a running lane.

Corey Simon is missing :(

He really is the anchor the colts require to field a viable run D.
When replay first came about the Colts literally got the short end on at least 90% of the challenges. It has been a lot better in recent years. I hope that new trend continues today. :)
Looked pretty inconclusive but whatever. You CAN'T see it actually hitting the ground although it does look like it could have. But I thought you were't supposed to go by "could have"
Some pretty bad calls here, Colts are lucky to be in it. How that reception was overturned I have no idea, how they miss the jersey grab is unexplanable.

And Dan Dierdorf is a fucking idiot who makes me want to shoot myself just listening to him.
I guess if you have to cover both Wayne and Reggie someone is bound to be 10-15 yards open. lol

Although on a side note, Peyton has his happy feet out today. Usually not a good sign.
not watching this game but the jags are the real deal and have been for awhile. this season will be the year of the jags imo.