[OFFICIAL] Black People Fighting/ Killing

I appreciate the back-pedal, and I agree with you. The previous statement of great great great great great grandfather may or may not have been a slave was pretty stupid. This one is much better. None of us have ever been slaves nor owned slaves, lets move on.

Speak for yourself. I own all the media and a few darkies, too.
No Vanster, you won't be moving on. Whitey is forever and eternally responsible for jews buying enslaved spear chuckers off other africoons and then shipping them over to the New World. Whitey will be guilted over this slight until he has been genocided out of existence by the jew.

Nah, I think the majority still feel somewhat guilty, and that's what contributes to the political correctness problem we have. However, a growing number of people (like me) think it's time to start moving on. The fact that gaming in the United States is governed by racial lines, while pretty hilarious, is wrong.

But your statement of "Whitey will feel guilty forever" simply isn't true. With the anonymity of the internet, people are more likely to express unpopular opinions, and many whites are finding they aren't alone in their desire for black culture to grow up. Some aren't apologetic for slavery at all, and some openly applaud the slave era as history done right. Sup Musashi, Scooby, Jim Beam, et al.
Nah, I think the majority still feel somewhat guilty, and that's what contributes to the political correctness problem we have. However, a growing number of people (like me) think it's time to start moving on. The fact that gaming in the United States is governed by racial lines, while pretty hilarious, is wrong.

But your statement of "Whitey will feel guilty forever" simply isn't true. With the anonymity of the internet, people are more likely to express unpopular opinions, and many whites are finding they aren't alone in their desire for black culture to grow up. Some aren't apologetic for slavery at all, and some openly applaud the slave era as history done right. Sup Musashi, Scooby, Jim Beam, et al.

Yeah, but even the black community has had its own people saying black culture needs to grow up for decades...it hasnt yet. They've probably got another couple decades of using slavery as the reason why they generally are how they are.
blah blah ad hominem, ranting, more ad hominems, retarded logic, marxists, jewganda, complete lack of understanding about basic statistics, blah, blah

Wish I could answer each retarded point logically (jking it's pointless and literally makes me feel stupider re-reading your post), but you seem to lose focus so easily. Oh well.

I can do a summary I guess. Your points are riddled with logical fallacies, unclear definition of terms (intellect, Whitey), and complete retardation with regards to what "predict" means in the context of my arguments. I suggest you try to learn at least some basic statistical methods as anyone with any sort of background will laugh you off your soapbox.

oh, and http://www88.homepage.villanova.edu/lance.hannon/Forthcoming in the Journal of Poverty.pdf

4 too many greats there.

No its not. not for a 20 year old in 2010 and for 20 years between generations. Maybe one but I was also exaggerating a little.

But for someone who was around in lets say 1850 that works out about right.
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Yeah, but even the black community has had its own people saying black culture needs to grow up for decades...it hasnt yet. They've probably got another couple decades of using slavery as the reason why they generally are how they are.

I think you are touching on an important issue, even if it isn't the purpose of your post. There is an inherent cultural problem that occurs in black America, and one that needs addressing. Race-baiters and ignorant e-warriors such as absent think everything is so cut and dry. Complete and utter folly.

Why is it that pedophiles are predominantly white absent? What say you about the genetic differences inherent in the different members of the "Caucasian" race vs. the variability within African populations?


Please read this. People much smarter than you or I have already gone through this stuff.
I think you are touching on an important issue, even if it isn't the purpose of your post. There is an inherent cultural problem that occurs in black America, and one that needs addressing. Race-baiters and ignorant e-warriors such as absent think everything is so cut and dry. Complete and utter folly.

Of course it is a problem within the black community. I've heard more than a few blacks refer to the black community as a bucket of crabs. All piled on top of, pinching and killing each other. And when one tries to crawl out of the bucket, the others pull him back in. The only thing that needs to addressed is the overall lack of drive and sense of entitlement in the black community. fix that and the rest of the problems will fix themselves.

Why is it that pedophiles are predominantly white absent?
% of total child molesters:

White 51%
African American 25%
Hispanic 15%
American Indian/Alaska Natives 2%
Asian/Pacific Islanders 1%

Relative to their population, likelihood of abuse compared to background population rate:

American Indian +100%
Blacks +92%
Hispanics no difference
Whites -35%
Asian -67%

On an individual basis, American Indians are most likely to molest a child, then Blacks, then Hispanics, then Whites, then Asians.
Child Abuse Research and Statistics

What say you about the genetic differences inherent in the different members of the "Caucasian" race vs. the variability within African populations?
Because only blacks want to fuck blacks, and most of the black guys even go for white girls...well except gigz. All races want to fuck whites.
Of course it is a problem within the black community. I've heard more than a few blacks refer to the black community as a bucket of crabs. All piled on top of, pinching and killing each other. And when one tries to crawl out of the bucket, the others pull him back in. The only thing that needs to addressed is the overall lack of drive and sense of entitlement in the black community. fix that and the rest of the problems will fix themselves.

Child Abuse Research and Statistics

Because only blacks want to fuck blacks, and most of the black guys even go for white girls...well except gigz. All races want to fuck whites.

You make some interesting points, but I can't get over the fact that you are fucking with the data. You and I know that those are child abuse numbers, not molestation. Child abuse includes many other things and sexual offenses are only 10% of those numbers. Please don't cook the data to further your claims.

Wait am I really debating with Juggs :/
Yeah, but even the black community has had its own people saying black culture needs to grow up for decades...it hasnt yet. They've probably got another couple decades of using slavery as the reason why they generally are how they are.

How much would you say slavery has contributed?
4 too many greats there. And in 1860, what percentage of blacks in North America were not slaves, about?
What the fuck are you talking about? A great grandparent is certainly not old enough to have been a slave. Yea, they grew up without equal rights, but they were most certainly not slaves.
4 too many greats there. And in 1860, what percentage of blacks in North America were not slaves, about?

5 greats - 4 greats = great grandparent

Slavery ended 150 years ago tonto. Lets figure a slave was 10 when it ended. That would make the great grandparent 160 years old. 5 greats is more realistic considering the average nig 'muh dicks' as many girls as possible before he goes to prison for 20 years. 20 years per generation is far more accurate than 40.
Why is it that pedophiles are predominantly white absent?

Are they? Anybody can go to FBI criminal victimization data page and confirm what I say. Now let's see the data that Whites molest children more than the 5.5+billion non-Whites of the world. That's a pretty broad claim and I am comfortable knowing you are full of shit, but do try.

It's sort of how supposedly all serial killers are 'White'. We always hear about Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, but never of the Zebra killings, Chester Wayne Turner, Gang Lu, Pedro Alonso Lopez of Peru, Francisco das Chagas of Brazil etc. This is of course due to the jewish media control that only portrays Whites as serial killers and pedophiles, so it's understandable that an uneducated fool like yourself thinks the way they want you to. The reality though, unsurprisingly, is the complete opposite of the one crafted by the jewish media masters and their faithful poodles like nigger Ninj.

What say you about the genetic differences inherent in the different members of the "Caucasian" race vs. the variability within African populations?

What about them? White people have green, blue, brown and gray eyes, blond, red, brown and black hair, come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, but every nigger is a nappy headed black haired black eyed coon. I know which I prefer. By the gods, if you can have 'black pride' for being a burr headed nigger, then I can be proud that I hit the genetic jackpot with my blue eyes and blond hair.


Please read this. People much smarter than you or I have already gone through this stuff.

Read a dozen ones like this. 'Race doesn't exist' is what it says and that is clearly a lie since anybody can see otherwise with their own eyes. What's the point of it then, if it lies about the basic premise of evolution? Again, what is the study that I could possibly link to you that sides with me? You insane, insane people even attacked the founder of DNA because he stated, in a very polite manner, that niggers are stupid because of what they are, not because where they live.

You can dig up whatever jew crap you want but the reality is that the American nigger, who is the prime example and the best hope because he has ~20% White blood, has seen no IQ gains in the past 30+ years even though trillions upon trillions of dollars have been poured on him in an effort to make him White, not to even mention the completely unjustified racial discrimination of Whites called 'affirmative action' which is just further proof that niggers cannot perform. Hell, you even have an affirmative action pre-suh-dynt. This is what me and every sane person sees. The facts speak for themselves. Take a ghetto ass nigger baby and plant him in an affluent White family: not only do you ruin the neighborhood with the sight of this ugly manimal, but he's still stupid as studies show.

Then again, that's obvious. After all, the nigger never invented a written language or the wheel. Every other race has some prospects - the nigger has none.
Vanster says something idiotic and then flees the thread. thats his MO.

If playing Urban Terror and eating a turkey sandwich is fleeing, I'm guilty. You people are assuming 20 years per generation because that's the smallest average that's reasonable for 5 generations. It doesn't matter, as long as there are people having children at 40 years, that's all you need to say slavery existed 4 generations ago.

No one has answered my question yet: how much has slavery contributed to the current state of black culture?
I dunno, lets look at the countries where blacks weren't enslaved. Oops.

Liberia shows that the lingering effects of slavery last at least 163 years. $400 GDP/pc, 2000 cellphones and hundreds of coup detats. Of course, no history book or web page will clearly illustrate these facts. You'll have to dig deep.