[Official] :bandit: 2.0

Not high. Need to figure out another re-up at some point. Although I'm a little turned off by it at the moment, that last quarter I got was kind of shitty.
if they force me to serve on a jury i won't be able to pay rent and my biz would be shut down by the end of the month, so it would be a good option

seriously considering it
if they force me to serve on a jury i won't be able to pay rent and my biz would be shut down by the end of the month, so it would be a good option

seriously considering it

Just pull a Larry David and talk about how much you dislike negroes.
i think im the only person who wants to do jury duty

its like power over someone elses life

mmm yes

dang this stuff hardcore
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A Southern California man was sentenced Monday to 10 years in federal prison for operating medical marijuana dispensaries, even though they are legal in the state.

Rancho Cucamonga resident Aaron Sandusky, 42, ran three Inland Empire dispensaries known as G3 Holistics. “I want to apologize to those with me and their families who have been victimized by the federal government who has not recognized the voters of this state," Sandusky said in court Monday. His G3 dispensaries served 17,000 medical marijuana patients, according to marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access.

Aaron Sandusky Sentenced: Marijuana Dispensary Operator Gets 10 Years In Federal Prison
fucking disgusting. everyone involved in this mans incarceration needs to be dealt with. especially the thug wannabe federal agents that robbed his storefronts of cash and crop. maybe we can crowdsource some real justice
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Rancho Cucamonga is sweet, they have a Bad Ass coffee, get the lava java mocha :)

then u can go hang out in San Dimas and pretend you're Bill and/or Ted
also i got out of Jury Duty, YAY!

they picked all the jurors before they even got to me so it was all good
fucking rogue ass agencies labeling compassionate men as super criminals

grats on getting out of jury duty. and u didnt even have to go on a racist tirade
i know, right!

it was a trial for a cop who shot a guy and was being charged with aggravated assault

i was all ready to be like 'i hate pigs that fucker is guilty as fuck' but thankfully they didn't get to me :)
you know if you do shit like that the just can actually be make you watch the trial and not participate as a juror