Office humor... (pics)


Veteran X
All of the secretaries in my office were called in to an important personnel meeting. On my way to the meeting, I noticed one of the secretaries was still sitting at her desk, and I asked why she wasn't on her way to the meeting. She complained that her printer wasn't working. I tried to help her by fiddling around inside and lo and behold, we discovered a pen stuck inside the printer.
The secretary started to jam her fingers down in to the printer to get the pen, but I told her we didn't have time for that now as the boss was expecting us all in the meeting. I told her to just put a note on the printer telling folks not to use it and then we could report it to the Help Desk after the meeting. So she grabs a piece of paper and starts scrawling on it.

I left before she finished the note but when we came out of the meeting, I passed her desk and got a good laugh. I then ran to my car to get my camera and took a pic of the note.

um ..Ive had that pic for about 4 years now. dork

edit: what kind of fucking loser makes up a story about an old pic he didn't take? why not just post the pic.
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Well it was pretty obvious this guy wasn't talking about a personal experience that really happened. I mean, why would he be carrying around a digital camera for just such an occasion?
aolh4x0r said:
that doesnt look digital camera quality


Looks like a heavily compressed jpeg to me. And I think it would be crazier for him to have had a regular camera at hand with film in it than to have had a digital camera around.