Odio no longer owns the TW gang

:lol: It's not like i ever play any way. You should try turning the monitor off and going outside some time. There's like, a whole world out there...man.
well if being active counts then NO ONE
so the next logical question is, are you fucking retarded? i appreciate what you're trying to do here but you're not from TW, and you're promoting a "TW gang" as if you or it are somehow related to us
i tried to get into this but there was never anyone online. i don't think i ever saw the total number of players on the server eclipse 30. the one time that i actually did 'play' with odio, he was so strung out on Rx painkillers that he was useless.

i've been playing SP ever since, but i'm still down for some MP if the gang is actually alive.
i would be too if it was led by an actual TW member (must be vet5 or over) and had actual TW members in it... i dont mind having a few random recruits join us to increase numbers... but not to the point where we're the minority, otherwise it's just not a TW gang

shit was a fucking BLAST, so i'd give it another go fo' shizzle

i still remember when the FBI raided our HQ cause they were sick of our bullshit rofl... that was fun but sad when i lost all my guns
Same shit happened with Serenity Now in WoW. I went back to that game once and they had kicked me out of the Guild, a Guild I helped found. Jerks.