Occasional-Cortex - The Gift That Keeps on Giving

it´s false, but still funny.
FACT CHECK: Does an Image Show Ocasio-Cortez Fake-Crying at a Migrant Camp?
( i know , snopes bla bla, but think they are right this time, simply because i cant believe she would do that / let her picture be taken when it was obviously fake)

lol i'm sorry man, but just the first fucking sentence of that snopes article is a complete and utter fucking lie. it was not just trump's administration policy. that shit has been happening for years. there is picture proof from the obama adminstration. snopes is a joke and a liberal rag.
it´s false, but still funny.
FACT CHECK: Does an Image Show Ocasio-Cortez Fake-Crying at a Migrant Camp?
( i know , snopes bla bla, but think they are right this time, simply because i cant believe she would do that / let her picture be taken when it was obviously fake)


you are fucking kidding right?
it´s false, but still funny.
FACT CHECK: Does an Image Show Ocasio-Cortez Fake-Crying at a Migrant Camp?
( i know , snopes bla bla, but think they are right this time, simply because i cant believe she would do that / let her picture be taken when it was obviously fake)

are you kidding me
it was so fucking fake
open up your own door if you want to virtue signal
Then we'll be able to IDENTIFY who is breaking the law...
Identity politics is coming just like you all want.
It's obviously staged for publicity...a [strike]senator[/strike] Congresswoman from New York flies 2000 miles to the southern border and isn't going to exploit a photo op to bolster their agenda?

I don't think people understand that shes an actress playing the part of a politician. Some people enter politics with the conviction to serve and make a difference, she answered a casting call to be the face of someones political agenda.

None of this is spontaneous. It's all part of the script they're running to tell their story of events.
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It's obviously staged for publicity...a [strike]senator[/strike] congresspersonmaybe from New York flies 2000 miles to the southern border and isn't going to exploit a photo op to bolster their agenda?

I don't think people understand that shes an actress playing the part of a politician. Some people enter politics with the conviction to serve and make a difference, she answered a casting call to be the face of someones political agenda.

None of this is spontaneous. It's all part of the script they're running to tell their story of events.

The thing is
People on the left, Global Socialism,
know it's fake too,
but they don't 'care'
about the US
it is the only way to bring them 'up'

i believe vanster knows this
but doesn't 'care'
they want the us constitution... especially 1st and 2nd destroyed
only way to have Global Socialism

National Capitalism
allows defense of property
keeps Government following the Contitution

kittyless uncaring regardless
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tbh, i just WANTED it to be fake because i CAN´T BELIEVE that people can be this stupid.
jesus fucking christ :/
What do you mean doing nothing about it? We're building the wall. They're not supposed to come here illegally. The USA can't let everyone in. If a country sucks, that's their fault. Not every country can be this utopia of free everything they want in California. The countries where they come from, is what the left wants the USA to be, socialist shit hole.

Obama started the separation thing, it was already in place when Trump came into office. It's just that the left made a big deal about it. Trump said that separating kids from parents is a deterrent of people trying to cross the border. But the left won't give it up. They go to Homestead for a photo op after the debate, now AOC with her fake photos.

All of this was already in place, but the left wing media doesn't tell the truth, just like they completely ignore what's happening in Chicago every day.
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When Obama did it, we were rescuing children.

When Trump does it, we traumatizing children.

Be consistent. It's ok to say, "Hey I don't think we should continue this plan. We tried it. I sent troops to the border, I enacted policy and put more money into border services... it didn't work, so I don't think this is a good plan".

But instead we get "This is wrong! Look how wrong it is! He's wrong for doing it! What kind of monster does these things?! Where is your humanity? We would never do these things!"
you mean AOC the bartender being stupid?

imagine blackpeople in public office.
Yep, they have their own Black caucus. How about a White caucus? Nope, can't have that, it would be racist. When ever they are interviewed, it's the same thing. Trump is bad, we need more jobs, more handouts. If they were really going to make a difference, they would solve the crime problems in major cities, but no.
It's so fucking stupid. I mean what if when we put people in jail in America we didn't separate them from their kids, we just made the kids go to jail with them? That would be dumb as shit. they're actually saving most of these kids from being trafficked.
I’d just say fuck it let’s do what the dems want and keep everybody together and let the bodies hit the floor. There’s be so much child diddling going on Biden would be forced to get a summer vacation house next door.

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