obibun laughs at gym rats

there's a difference between someone who works out regularly and a gym rat

gym rats like BeliaL are the type who take their entire identity from the fact they work out

basically like club rats

in fact the two are not mutually exclusive
obibun also begs for his life when his passive aggressive mumbling incites the anger of one of these gym rats as his pear shaped girlfriend looks on in horror
is that not the case with any hobby

most people define themselves to some extent by their interests
kind of like one of my friends from highschool/first year or two of university

guy was pretty scrawny as a kid in highschool and though he was a decent guy, was pretty dumb and had no skills with women whatsoever

this obviously continued on into university

somewhere around the end of first beginning of second year, his total frustration about never being able to get a piece of puss turned him into a gym rat

the type who talks about whey and brotein and all that bullshit, stare at themselves in the mirror, talk about how much they bench and all the other shit nobody else in the entire world except them cares about

needless to say due to him being dumb and retarded with women, the fact he started working out did absolutely nothing to help him with the puss-getting. meanwhile I went from "decent" to "full-blown baller" in the span of a year or two at school, and I had enough women hanging off my every single word to make him all kinds of jealous. especially because I never once went to the gym.

which eventually caused him to have a slight mental breakdown and go way the fuck off the deep end, which is around the time our friendship more or less ended. rather, that was when he totally ostracised himself from the entire social group

gym rats
yo bro yeaaahhh my muscles are preeetty tight bro

yeah no I was just at the gym.. you know.. workin out.. yeah, oh man my muscles are fuckin tiiiight, I was lifting weights and shit, yeah, then I drank this protein shake, I always drink it.. you should drink it too bro

but yeah, man, I really feel the pull in my muscles lately man, shit, I benched so much today bro

ladies are going to loooove this shit, man, I'm gettin fuckin rippppped. you want to hit the gym with me tomorrow, bro? do a little cardio, some dead weights? get your muscles fuckin tiiight?
the best part is when gym rats think the fact they're ripped somehow automatically makes them alpha male ballers

when in reality the best they've ever come up with is some mediocre looking bar whore who if given another five minutes probably would've fucked a completely different gym rat
my general thought process when i see a relatively attractive woman with a scrawny dude is as follows:

1. lol
2. she's deaf
3. probably significant self-worth issues and generally low self esteem resulting in inability to approach men with above-average physiques
there's a difference between someone who works out regularly and a gym rat

gym rats like BeliaL are the type who take their entire identity from the fact they work out

basically like club rats

in fact the two are not mutually exclusive

All individuals on this planet take their identity from a variety of activities.

Some individuals take pride in where they are from and how people behave in that culture.
"In X, we do this and that".
Individuals define themselves as musicians, artists, athletes, runners, fighters, lovers, etc.
Individuals, like BeLiaL, who take pride in that, and try to better themselves, should be applauded.