Obama's Ties


Veteran X
Hello. I don't post much, but now seems to be the home stretch of the election. And since others have posted some politics stuff on here I think I can post here.

I think that both sides have lied to us. I think we've got a perfect storm going on in America. Economy troubles, war, energy crisis, and each one alone I know we could handle. But in combination I'm worried for our country.

But today I'd like to talk to you about why McCain though not my choice either is at least better than Obama. This guy is scary, dirty, and looks like he has the makings of Musilini.

YouTube - Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special
Obama and his associations - Google Search
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Obama and ACCORN
CNN-Anderson Cooper Exposes Obama/Ayers Connection - US Message Board

Guys I will try to se if I can educate you on stuff who are wrong on stuff. I will tell you what I can on the economy, war, and what we can do. I'm a Glenn Beck insider. He's going to have all this weekend free audio on his site. Today on his site he'll have up stuff about how we got here, who screwed our economy, and tomarrow how to fix it.

Guys this bailout is not working. Going to socialism and bailing out people who did the problem and making a bill that just gives power to the same people, with parts that cannot be enfforced, and Obama and McCain were for this bailout. Yes Glenn wil on Friday through the weekend have free audio and you guys need to get all to know about this stuff. The free newsletter subscribe to. It will also be in here. Just forward it on to all you know.

Gang we need to wake up. Both Republicans and Democates, Wall Street, and corporations did this to us.

Tell your congressmen to stop spending your money at this point. I think we are in for a big depression.

If you bought a house out of your means, got yourself in debt by making stupid choices, sorry jack that's your fault. I don't want to pay for your stupidity. Obama has all these taxes and stuff. Taxing higher class.

This is America. My father use to live in a garge, but now is retired well. But with the economy that hurts everyone. I agree it's hard to know who to trust anymore.

I'm voting for Palin because she seems to be one of us. Obama just seems much worse. Universal Health Care yes some may get their sergeries right then. But the government overall controls it all, taxes everyone to have a certain set level of care. Obama is for UHC. If you work harder and do better than the set government standard you won't advance more or get paid more unless the government tells you to. The government decides who gets treatment first, and even the lazy get care even if they didn't work as hard as you.

With the US's private care people from Canada come down here for their care because they know they'll get quciker care here. If you can't afford insurance shop for the one you need. But in emergencies you will get careregardless if you can pay for it. With UHC you might not get the emergency care you need. We are more humane.

Obama's UHC is not the answer. McCain is a bad choice, but Obama is a worse choice. Guys we conservatives almost all got banned for giving this stuff I will be giving you because the mods over there were biased. All I can do is get the word out and try to get people informed the best I can and make a difference if it is possible.

Have a blessed day everyone.
here is one of obama's ties

here's another
Guys I will try to se if I can educate you on stuff who are wrong on stuff. I will tell you what I can on the economy, war, and what we can do. I'm a Glenn Beck insider. He's going to have all this weekend free audio on his site. Today on his site he'll have up stuff about how we got here, who screwed our economy, and tomarrow how to fix it.

This paragraph is golden, especially the first sentence

"I'm voting for Palin because she seems to be one of us"

I'm guessing by one of 'us' you mean you and your family tree, which has no branches.
It's just for those who want to listen. Not those who are just going to call names. Not that it effects or botehrs me in any way. In fact I'll just agree with you. See flaming and cursing does not effect me. But thanks for the amusement. Yawn.

I'll be checking the forum here for those who want to have a normal discussion and ignore those who just want to call names and be noobs.
You're a fucking retard if you vote for McCain who has started this whole economy downfall and follows in Bush's steps.

This is all you need to know, vote for the lesser of two evils, vote Obama!
Like us meaning not like those who just want a free out and lets screw everyone else because I'm doing my weed and that's why I'm so dumb liberal.

Guys if you just listen to SNL and CNN only and don't research and well if you go on youtube the first interview she had with Carol Camren and you guys need to look at it.

But again let me know if we can have a civil conversation, not a bashing, curse word, boob fest. Because if you want to know sources I got them. But if you just want to say f you Jeff then I'll let you continue to smoke your crack and be noobs.

I've got no problem with those who wnat to have a normal discussion if they disagree or agree. But right now it has not been an intelligence filled thread. Guys some of you just posted almost a second after I posted this. Thta shows you didn't look at the vids, stories, or really read. Sad. lol.