Obama Will Spend A 'Day In The Life' Of A Minneapolis Woman

The elites in our society live on a different plane of existence. The struggle is real for the regular person. These elites never struggled in their lives.

Any actual struggle they did have is forgotten as soon as they reach that hallowed plane of existence where the common man is just a nuisance. The newer elites are more vigorous even in their defense of their new lofty status and are very active in solidifying the hold on power and ensuring that power stays consolidated.


She is above all that...obviously

Chelsea Clinton's $3 million wedding budget - NY Daily News

Chelsea’s wedding: $600K in tents, $15K for toilets

Go fucking figure NBC would pay her for doing essentially nothing.

I'm just glad as the daughter of such elitists she too can relate with our pain and has transcended the need to be greedy with other peoples money.

so she married JEW

