Numbers Stations - Do you know about them?

are you the same person that posted the 'bloop' thing?

both of these come up on every internet forum once every 2 months since 1998

are you the same person that posted the 'bloop' thing?

both of these come up on every internet forum once every 2 months since 1998


No. I'm the guy that tried to help you with some programming shit. Didn't know u were forum cop.
spooky sounds with artsy spooky imagery, dumb

I realize the people that make these youtubes don't make the sounds, they just tie them into dumb visuals
Number stations are pretty cool. I believe they originated in war time to give out codes to personell on the ground that the enemy couldn't decipher. There are still a few around kept up by amateurs. There are also random number phone numbers. Here is one of my favs in nyc since the guy sounds like elvis haha (718) 238- 9901
Number stations are pretty cool. I believe they originated in war time to give out codes to personell on the ground that the enemy couldn't decipher. There are still a few around kept up by amateurs. There are also random number phone numbers. Here is one of my favs in nyc since the guy sounds like elvis haha (718) 238- 9901

There are still active stations run by governments around the world, from what I read about them.
Number stations are pretty cool. I believe they originated in war time to give out codes to personell on the ground that the enemy couldn't decipher. There are still a few around kept up by amateurs. There are also random number phone numbers. Here is one of my favs in nyc since the guy sounds like elvis haha (718) 238- 9901

They transmit to spies. They are "serious business".