Now this is how to write propaganda

Merlock said:
Well +130 would be coo if the article was written in 1995. I guess we really weren't the country we are today till after the civil war... I sorta agree on that, assuming that was the point being made.

He could have been referencing the end of the reconstruction period, which I believe was mostly over by 1871.
Heh, as futile as it is, posting anything with any amount of evidence or links can still kill some time when you're bored at work.
Let me just say that much of the first post isn't really 'propaganda', that's just how USA used to be during the cold war in order to stop the spread of communism. Therefore, 'state terrorism' isnt anything new (i.e. Nicargua). But to me it's just part of the history (and present to some extent) and I just remind myself that it's what USA is and nothing more.

Major difference is that in the past at least US wasn't seen as a big fat bully who shakes kids' lunch money. We all know the war in Iraq is nothing but about money, big one, since the figures in Washington behind Bushy's back are the ones in control. Sorry, but I just can't see USA shedding blood for 'noble' cause.

First monetary benefit is 'confiscation' of billions of dollars that belongs to Iraqi people. Some of this money has already gone, guess where, to the Iraqi's? Nope, sorry to disappoint your idealistic views. Next, who's gonna pay for rebuilding of Iraq, those who bombed it, or the Iraqis? Why not give this money directly to the poorest in Iraq? Whose companies are gonna get rights to pump oil and sell it instead of doing it in Alaska..

The only apparent benefit might be removal of Sadam since he's too stubborn and too old, Iraq does need change of government, but we should've let Iraqi people decide that as it's nothing to do with Sep11. Besides is the price of thousands dead and maimed Iraqi's, destroyed infrastructure, psychological scars on millions of scared children really justified?
herbtown said:
right on my ass...

u seem to forget so quickly we didn't instigate dog shit...attack 'us' on our soil like pussies and pay the's pay up time...peeps are going down...

wiiiizzzzurrrd! my snizzle!
Kurayami said:
Shut up, Al'Fucktard. You have nothing constructive to add and you're not as smart as you'd appear to think you are.

I'd also like to add that it's very profound to be blindly anti-American. This makes you a "rebel" and it means that you are a "free thinker." Good job going against "the man."

its very profound to be blindly Pro-American-as-long-as-a-republican-is-in-office. this makes you "useful" and means you are "supportive." good job on supporting "everything bush wants you too, ever." fuck those damn hippies and them saying whatever they want.
Tribalbob said:

its very profound to be blindly Pro-American-as-long-as-a-republican-is-in-office. this makes you "useful" and means you are "supportive." good job on supporting "everything bush wants you too, ever." fuck those damn hippies and them saying whatever they want.
1: I'm not a Republican.
2: I am not a conservative.
3: I don't like Bush one bit.
4: I don't like most of Bush's foreign policy
5: You, as usual, are talking out of your ass. Please lecture us about how we use a "binary number system" again.

I like how the pop-culture-liberals are so quick to jump down peoples' throats. :)
1:I'm not Pop-Culture anything. i'm not even Anti-Pop Culture bandwagon.
2: i'm not a liberal. I hate people regardless of their political affiliations. it all has to do with my impression of their personality and intelligence
3: I dont like bush. he's just a moron who enjoys war.
4: "most"? i thought bushes foreign policy consisted only of "dont fuck with me, or i'll attack you"
5: i lectured on what i thought binary system was. i never said we used binary number system as our primary counting system, kthx. base-10 is not the same thing as binary, and i never said it was.

i hate how idiots are idiot.