[NFL] Thursday Night Football

So I didnt watch the game , out of principle, as a Lions fan (lol yeah).

Matt Millen can suck a Fat dick. Here is a quote from right after Millen got hired for NFLN. Its my Sig on the Lions Forum i chat on. (lol yeah)

Mike Florio - Amazingly, the man who made a mess of the Lions has two jobs -- with ESPN and NFLN -- covering both college football and pro football. I simply can't listen to anything Matt Millen has to say without wondering whether the guy knows anything at all, or whether he's simply good at sounding like he does.
So I didnt watch the game , out of principle, as a Lions fan (lol yeah).

Matt Millen can suck a Fat dick. Here is a quote from right after Millen got hired for NFLN. Its my Sig on the Lions Forum i chat on. (lol yeah)
Mike Florio might be the only person in the world who is a bigger clueless dickwad than Millen.
except mike florio doesn't try to hide that fact, never ran an NFL franchise directly into the ground, and isn't trying to be a color commentator afterwards
I'm not comparing the men based on their accomplishments (or lack thereof); I'm comparing them based on the degree to which they fit the description of a clueless dickwad.

They're both retards and shouldn't be involved with the NFL in any way, but Florio is basically the national enquirer of the NFL and a talentless writer. It's really amazing that people like Millen and Florio have jobs, and it's actually pretty funny to see Florio calling out Millen, because that's just about the only person who is as much of a fuckup as he is.
Your logic doesn't make any sense. Florio basically ran a blog for nearly a decade that grew in popularity because of his constant updates and decent commentary, before eventually getting picked up by NBC.

I mean he comes off as a douche sometimes, but I don't understand how he's similar to Matt Millen at all. It's pretty easy to take what Florio says with a grain of salt, unless you're incredibly weak-minded...
He's similar in the sense that he's a talentless hack who somehow continues to find work in spite of his incompetence and his tendency to report first and ask questions later.

I was simply making an observation based on something that struck me as humorous: one clueless dickwad bashing another clueless dickwad.

Moreover, I don't even read Florio, and I am not taking offense to something he's reported on. Having said that, it's difficult for me to just dismiss the sensationalist and rumor-mongering style of reporting he perpetuates with a grain of salt.

You make the mistake of assuming everyone is like you or me; you assume most people take his "reporting" with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, the "weak-minded" people you speak of comprise a significant portion of the people who read his shit.

I just don't like people who flat out make shit up or throw all ethics to the curb in order to draw attention to their shitty blogs :shrug:. It has no place in ANY type of "journalism," even something as trivial as sports.

Come to think of it, why the fuck do you give a shit what I say about Florio? You must be the first person I've ever encountered who is willing to defend that slimy little Italian :rofl:
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god damn this is a shitty season in the NFL. 3/4s of the teams are fucking abysmal