Nexus 5x and 6p

Australia got totally boned with this release. Not one of the 17 launch countries on the CCast, and no phones either. :(
Gotta admit the 6p looks fucking cool.

Then again, there's always another badass phone on the horizon. I can wait another year at least
Bummed about no more wireless charging. I do really like that feature.

pretty sure google considers wireless charging dead

it's a feature few people used and the combination of cheap quickcharge 2.0 compatible chargers and usb type c reversible ports means that it's not as useful as it once was.

I thunk amoled is gooder. Why is it not gooder?

colors are way oversaturated, the pixels become orange over time (reason why many oled screen are too blue), and the power saving benefits are overstated. also pentile is fuzzy compared to proper rgb.
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This is why I have cyanogenmod on my G3.
I don't wanna fuck with custom roms because I get all the usability I need with stock + xposed, but it sucks having to wait for updates. I'm still on 4.4.4 because I can't be bothered to jump thru the hoops only to wind up with the non-latest Android release anyway.
now people are saying 5X DOES have an LED notification, and as i thought, people went crazy over the spec sheet not mentioning it.
ugh why kill wireless charging google

perfect for bed side charging

i was kind of hoping iphone 6s had it so google was forced to compete
Wireless charging is great, I really want it to become standard because my kids destroy USB cable ends like crazy yanking phones off the night stand or someting.
I'm lazy so when I am done reading Facebook, news, fantasy football, etc I want to lean over and drop my phone on the wireless charger. I HATE searching in the dark for the damn cord that fell off the nightstand and is somewhere around the charger.
I agree but usb c charges way faster wirless charging kinda slow and adds weight thickness

Not a make or break issue for me
Thoughts on nexus 5x versus one plus two

Similar specs one plus two bigger bigger screen but less pixel density

One plus two slightly better specs for processor otherwise this shit is same
I pulled the trigger on the 6P. Not a huge fan of the form factor but I'm willing to give it a try.
Any phone over a 5" diagonal is fucking overkill for nerds who spend hours a day on their phone, assuming it's for personal use.

My G3 is great, but I wish I could have it with a 4.5-5" total in size. It's too large for a pocket and awkward to hold.

A physical button would be nice. Apple really fucking stomps the competition in that one regard. Thumbprint recognition is awesome too.
Any phone over a 5" diagonal is fucking overkill for nerds who spend hours a day on their phone, assuming it's for personal use.

My G3 is great, but I wish I could have it with a 4.5-5" total in size. It's too large for a pocket and awkward to hold.

A physical button would be nice. Apple really fucking stomps the competition in that one regard. Thumbprint recognition is awesome too.

I think the G2 had it perfect as far as screen size is concerned (5.2")

Physical buttons are a big turn off for me.
The reason I want to carry around a big screen is cause I'm old and need things in my life to be big now...

maybe if I went to an Optometrist...

ahh why waste my time i can see fine

im waiting for 10" phone/tablet combos