Next level surveillance


Veteran XX

The ARGUS-IS real-time surveillance system can fly for months at a time and has a camera array that can track every moving object even a few inches small in a 36 square mile radius. It streams 6,000 terabytes of footage a day and all of it is processed real-time for asset and target location on the ground. They're used domestically and internationally. If you live in DC, Maryland, or Northern VA, chances are there's at least one tracking you right now and recording all your movements into a threat assessment database.
Just realized the release of this thing was 7 years ago. Can't imagine the upgrades at this point.
In mythology Argus was a multieyed primordial giant and servant of Hera, and was eventually slain by Hermes.
I clicked this, thinking it was going to be this story:

Russia’s military may have an unusual new recruit – a white beluga whale that has been spotted in the waters of the Norwegian Arctic.

The whale was wearing a tight harness that appears to be Russian made, sparking concern from Norwegian officials and prompting speculation that the animal may have escaped from a Russian military facility.

In a tweet, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries explained that officials worked with a local fisherman to take the harness off the whale’s body. Joergen Ree Wiig of the Directorate says "Equipment St. Petersburg" is written on the harness strap, which features a mount for an action camera.
A tight harness that appears to be russian made? How can they tell? Cyrillic letters all over it or what?

You dumbass
Joergen Ree Wiig of the Directorate says "Equipment St. Petersburg" is written on the harness strap, which features a mount for an action camera.
It is very common in the spy world to make sure all your spy-tech has "Made in..." the country that is doing the spying.

That is, of course, unless you work for the CIA. All their spy gear says, Made in China while the NSA spy gear says, Made in Israel.
This seems like an antiquated surveillance system.

I seem to remember reading in the early 2000's that we have satellites that could read the print off of a newspaper if you were sitting on a bench outside.

Last I heard, the government had opened up contract bids for satellite technology. The losing bidder had developed and presented technology that could identify/show guns/people through buildings. Meaning the winning contract outperformed that level of technology but remained classified. That existed 10+ years ago.

Long story short, i find it hard to believe this technology is significant by any means.
the video said 1 million terabytes per day

the articles says 9,000

does anyone proofread anymore? (i find mistakes everywhere on "professional journalism" sites daily)