News: Bittah T:V Movie

I vote for smoke trails for weapons. I can live with the trails on the jets, but weapons are supposed to have elite smoke effects. Oh and the disc trail I don't like either. It looks to me that the art people are just taking an quick-and-easy approach to shit they should really think about and work to make aesthetically pleasing.

I don't like the huge smoke trails. I don't like the solid newbish colored trails either. Damn, at least make the colored trails have a particle effect instead of a solid color.
volumous particle effect in trails I reckon would definitely increase the fps.

Play the game when you can and see if the trails are really the bothersome thing that you think they are.

I think they look better than the billowy smoke and fire jets that we saw in one of the earlier vids.
Sir Lucius said:
hey someone should post those stills.

ok I will


dunno if anyone noticed or posted but those bases/the map, they look a lot like Rollercoaster from T1...
Mr Fish said:
interesting reactions to the jet trails... i personally think they look much better than the original smoke trails we had (and i think alot of people here are of the same opinion). certainly its a very vibrant, stylistic effect compared to the smoke, which was kinda dull grey mush.

The original smoke trails might have been a little over the top, but for a "diesel powered sci-fi" setting (quote from your lead artist in one of the latest interviews) the trails are a little bit too clean and too 'sharp'. I don't think they fit that theme very much, but then again, i am no artist :)
Mr Fish said:
interesting reactions to the jet trails... i personally think they look much better than the original smoke trails we had (and i think alot of people here are of the same opinion). certainly its a very vibrant, stylistic effect compared to the smoke, which was kinda dull grey mush.

I can dig on the vibrant direction the trails are going, although it's not the aesthetic direction I would have chosen. What I really don't like about the trails is how much screen space they 'seem' take up. They are too opaque, too long, and too distracting. I think they would look at lot better if they were more translucent. Over all the game looks awesome and you guys at IG have me very excited.

Monkee07 said:
Oh my. I suppose I'll get used to the jet trails.
The problem is that potential players will be scared away because the game "looks stupid."

Those trails really detract from how the game looks. If I hadn't played previous Tribes games... well, that picture sums up what I'd think.
RegisteredFruit said:
The problem is that potential players will be scared away because the game "looks stupid."

Those trails really detract from how the game looks. If I hadn't played previous Tribes games... well, that picture sums up what I'd think.

Exactly. Nobody is going to be impressed by homeworld trails and "puff" disc effects. However, It could be an option in the prefrences "motion trails" or something. They do add to the positional awareness and "depth".

Edit: Tribes 2 really was perfect graphically for what it was attempting to do, nobody can deny that.
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I liked the smoke A LOT more, but if you won’t even give that a chance at least shorten the current jet trails and round them up a bit cuz they look stupid and nothing like jet trails should look like. I mean, how many people need to tell you that these are ugly and don’t look right before you realize they are unattractive and something needs to be done about them? Maybe some extra options for them, or maybe even *gasp* try something else, anything else, cuz even the smallest thing could make huge difference and a simple poll of the thousands of people here could maybe aid you a bit more than one persons opinion there.