[News] Abu Ghraid abuse images released

bah, well:
US defence department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the images "could only further inflame and possibly incite unnecessary violence in the world".
I couldn't agree more.
It is a shame that this shit has to hit the press. Whoever released these images should be put on trial for treason.

I give a shit less what they did to those maggots. Most of them had information about attack on US troops or US interests. They just needed a little bit of help remembering things.
I am no expert but those injuries appear to be related to their captures. Gun shots, shrapnel, debris peppering their bodies from explosions, etc.

Documenting the injuries with pictures seems logical to me. How thats sexual abuse is beyond me. Some of the other pics I cannot justify though.
Wolfhunt said:
ROFL..you fucking liberal...why should we give a shit about some of these people. Hell they are the same people who wouldn't think twice about beheading MORE americans. Fuck them all!!!

"We do not torture."

Or something.

Whatever. What's good for the one guy is good for the other I guess.
vaya said:
hell yes. 100% guilty. all of them. otherwise they wouldn't be in jail. I think.
dunno, but I'd change that number to 98%, some people are wrongly convicted... so according to you and the guy who posted above you, human rights really don't matter in this world.
these new images and videos apparently are like 1000% worse than the original.

of course... plenty of idiots will try to downplay the importance and reality once again (ironically these people claim to be republicans).

my question is why they didnt flush all this shit out initially in their investigations and get the political mess and military cleanup overwith up front.

then again, i bet they still havent fuckin consulted with ONE experienced prison administrator in the time since these incidents.
Snoobper said:
slavery is wrong wtf, haven't we already been through this.

As I said earlier, people are wrongly convicted.

A man who served 18 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit settled his lawsuit against authorities for $400,000, which he likely will use to defend himself against a recent murder charge, his attorney said.
see he still went and killed somebody else, clearly he was guilty all along.
Snoobper said:
dunno, but I'd change that number to 98%, some people are wrongly convicted... so according to you and the guy who posted above you, human rights really don't matter in this world.

mine was an attempt at satire