Newer (animated) GIFS

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"11 years old boy devoured by piranhas - Peru"

Yeah, no thanks.

someone please. i need verification the video is fake. if it's real. fuck me. fuck the internet. fuck the person who posted that video. fuck piranhas.

all that was left of the boy was his clean skeleton and then meat where his shoes were and some of his face. it just didn't look real, but then at the same time it looked very real. i was too much of a puss to watch more than a few seconds.
lol - yes that is real and that is what happens when thousands of tiny teeth gnash your ass. Luckily, it doesn't happen often. Amazing how they seem to have a preference on what order they eat people. They left the hands for last. I hope the poor kid was dead somehow before they got to him. That would hurt like a motherfucker. RIP kid.
Sinkhole video is crazy. IS there a story behind that somewhere? I can't imagine a scenario where either of them survived that.

Also piranha kid video :sick:
The thread keeps getting bogged down because people are posting massive .gifs (borlaK's space .gif and CARB PEOPLE's car .gif are like 50MB). IMO the browsers should be able to handle it but I guess not lol.
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