New Technologies in the upcoming years.

fuck that, i want jetpacks and holodecks (for sexual pleasures)
No matter when you buy a new PC someone will always tell you "Wait until this comes out" so I say just go get one whenever the fuck you feel like it.
yea, but i'm wondering if the R350 will be leetness of leet and if upgrading now and getting fucked over in 2 years is ok, but then again, 2 years is a long time, perhaps i'll have money to dish out some new parts myself
Perhaps you don't understand, seeing as you have a p2 400, but you don't expect a computer to last 2 years.

Upgrading now is perfectly fine if thats your timeline.
tru dat, i've forgotten how shitty this pos is, been too used to it, wtf someone save me :sniper:
FalseMyrmidon said:
but you cant say that you wouldnt buy one if you could and money was no object

no, i can get better custom made stuff than what alienware has to offer.

alienware only sells because the cases look nice... thats all. you can buy them seperatly anyway. otherwise you can get the same setup at dell or most other pc shops.

its like buyin a boxster when for the same price you can get a g35