New New GIF (animated) Thread

"My pit never hurt a soul. He/she was an angel. I don't know what happened!" -- Every retard ever who owned a pit that mauled a child or person.
Exactly. Jugglenuts IS every retard.

Look poo poo Padre, just because you and mr full sail up there are terrified of dogs doesn't mean everyone else is.

Pits are and always have been great dogs with kids. The ones that attack people are dogs that have been 'trained' in one way or another to attack...or they're inbred and well you need to look no further than the mirror to see how that generally works out
Look poo poo Padre, just because you and mr full sail up there are terrified of dogs doesn't mean everyone else is.

Pits are and always have been great dogs with kids. The ones that attack people are dogs that have been 'trained' in one way or another to attack...or they're inbred and well you need to look no further than the mirror to see how that generally works out

Told you! Can't fix stupid...
yeh i remember my moms pit bull we raised since a puppy just losing its shit and trying to take out a little girl skipping down the road.

i knew i shouldnt have trained it to kill.
Told you! Can't fix stupid...

Yep. Results in good luck or tragedy. Well worth taking the risk if you have kids. Unless you're really keen on keeping them alive for some weird reason.

I have 2 dogs jiggletits, but when we got them we had small kids so we got breeds you don't need to be afraid of because they're not fucking mental.
Pits are and always have been great dogs with kids. The ones that attack people are dogs that have been 'trained' in one way or another to attack...or they're inbred and well you need to look no further than the mirror to see how that generally works out

The world's #1 mauler is all just trained for that, guys. Every single one of em.
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Pits are and always have been great dogs with kids. The ones that attack people are dogs that have been 'trained' in one way or another to attack...or they're inbred and well you need to look no further than the mirror to see how that generally works out

what an absolute load of shit, it's in their nature, not training

they are shit animals and should be euthanized along with their owners
I don't think they saw it coming
Maybe strong surfers on those bikes?...
not even then

this spot for sale for the world's number one mauler
Until then I'm claiming that rank