New Lo-Fi Acoustic Project


Veteran XV

A few years ago, I started messing around on a friend's acoustic guitar, and I started writing some simple, short songs. Eventually, I wanted to do something with them, but I don't really have any fellow musicians I care to work with. Hoping to keep my ideas on my hard drive in some way, I went outside and recorded them on my iPhone in the early hours of the morning. The result ended up sounding kind of cool, so I uploaded it to bandcamp. I thought I'd share; TW has always been pretty kind about my projects. Lemme know your thoughts, and keep in mind, the recording is going to suck--that's just the nature of Lo-Fi, right?

I took some shitty recordings of some shit.
Thats kind of a neat sound you got from your iphone. I really dig the "outside" noises you picked up too.

I think you songs have potential but you need to flesh them out a bit. Im sure you know that since you labelled them as demos.
I added an extremely rough version of a new song. Actually it isn't that new. I've been playing it for a while now, but I never really took the time to record it. The song itself is meant to be an introduction to a project I'm working on about a specific year, with each song representing a single month of the year. So yeah. There's that. I played guitar pretty crappy on it, but I didn't feel like doing it again. I kind of suck when it comes to writing music anyway, so the lyrics are way more important.

Anyhoo, enjoy. Drew Maxey
assfrags' claim to fame is his hump.
(he dogs anyone that can stand erect)

I heard you can get garageband for your iPhone. How fucking sweet is that?
Keep playing.