New battlefield Vietnam movie

Its not just reskinned, its got an updated engine with better graphics.

Ill get it, I like BF a lot. No its not 100% realistic, but I dont recall EA saying it was. Its fun to me, and thats all that matters.
Emilee said:
Its not just reskinned, its got an updated engine with better graphics.

Ill get it, I like BF a lot. No its not 100% realistic, but I dont recall EA saying it was. Its fun to me, and thats all that matters.

I will get it if they start building DC off of it...
I love Desert Combat Emilee, I play it about 30 hours a month on average, I just cant see what they hype here will be....
Emilee said:
Ill get it, I like BF a lot. No its not 100% realistic, but I dont recall EA saying it was. Its fun to me, and thats all that matters.
It is 100% retarded, though.

The enviroment also sucks. Apparently nobody at EA has ever seen Vietnam. They should have called it "Battlefield Field Behind my House with Mad Phat Tunes Licenced From Hip Cats of the Sixties."
Im not denying that it doesnt look much like Vietnam. For the most part, the fights were in jungles and very slow moving. That wouldnt be a very fun game to most people.

I like the arcady gameplay. Its fast, not very accurate, but fun for me. If I wanted a more realistic game, I would play one.

Im not *that* excited about it honestly. There are lots of other games I am more excited about. Vietnam is probably the last war Id like to have a game about. Ill still get it though, and give it a shot.

Flunky, the DC crew already said they were going to use the engine. Just another reason for me to get it. Sure Ill probably end up paying $40 just to play an updated version of DC. But I paid $50 for BF, and I never play the original game, unless its Secret Weapons occasionally. BF+DC is about the funnest game Ive played in a long time. Its the game that finally tore me away from T1. What can I say, I like it. :shrug:
because it isn't exactly like bf1942?

diff weapons, diff settings, diff engine, and potentially different playing style.

Therefore, a demo showing what this game is like would make sense. If there is no demo, i'm going to assume it is just bf1942 reskinned and ignore it.
it has the same gameplay.. its BASED on bf1942.. they already have a fanbase... it would be foolish of them to put out a new demo and waste all their bandwidth when the same people who liked bf1942 will still like it and those who didnt wont..
gotta agree with yank, I sold stupid ass roads to rome on ebay for $10
glad I got that out of it

honestly I see nothing in this over eve of destruction

I am having a bit of fun with desert combat though
Yankee said:
Apparantly you didnt spend the 20 bucks on RTR , worst money I ever spent...

Fool me once...

Preach on brutha. I have T-Bone to thank for talking me into buying that crap.