Networking Problem (for nurp)


Veteran X
Nurp needs help tw :/ - I hope someone knows how to fix this:

(he posted this on msn)

2 computers sharing one internet connection (nurps comp and his gfs comp). High speed (have to dialup) Using a hub, modem plugged to her pc and she has a second ehternet card connected to hub - im connected to hub and internet is fine

problem is, I cant connect to IRC and websites... I can connect to msn, online games and what not but no websites or mirc

help plz!
I think we had a thread with a problem like this a while ago. But tell him to look in his mIRC settings for something.
I'm thinking that is a port problem of some sort if some things get through but others don't.
Ask Nurp if he's on sympatico. If he is, tell him to plug the modem into the 'uplink' port of his hub, plug both PC's into normal ports, and install Access Manager on both of them. Use the same username and pw for both, sympatico will allow you at least 2 or 3 connections with the same username.
nurp says:

For some reason on the hub i dont have to enter ip/subnet mask/default gateway. If i dont enter it, some sites work. If I add the ip/mask/gateway no sites work

and hes using uquam high speed (dial up - uquam = a univerisity in montreal)
Psyklone said:
nurp says:

For some reason on the hub i dont have to enter ip/subnet mask/default gateway. If i dont enter it, some sites work. If I add the ip/mask/gateway no sites work

and hes using uquam high speed (dial up - uquam = a univerisity in montreal)

sounds like a Router, not a hub.
<nurp> okay... Well i wanted to connect through her to get internet access and I thought you had to use a gateway for that. Its how Ii did it on my previos hub network. If I dont have to do that then, where would I go to get interweb working
im at home now but thanks for advice . I'll try and fix it tonight when I go back! thanks tw :D I will try that thing you said shadow. Thanks again