[Netflix] The OA season 2

There is a scene with two guys kissing, so maybe not for you. It’s a little annoying when Hollywood agenda is placed in scripts, but I try not to let it ruin a show for me.
Nah, the end of season 1 was too much to get past. May watch if trusted sources say its good after the entire new season is finished. Until then, reading a transmission rebuild manual would be a better use of that time
When I first watched through the OA I thought it was a one season run. so when season 1 ended like it did, I thought it was a pretty good story about belief leaving you to decide at the end on your own, one way or the other or both. I haven't begun watching season 2, but I'm going to.
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I liked how they focused on that scientists obsession with life after death. That was the interesting part. Watching all the cry baby faggots get together and do the macaraina was terrible.

When they started doing that with the school shooter I was saying, "please shoot them. oh dear god please shoot them while they dance..."

I would have given the show a standing ovation if that had happened. I will not be returning for season 2.
Flava Flav was the original change the world thru interpretive dance gangsta. Cheap knock off emo shows can't hold a candle to the OG.
looks like a new season of the oa is what im recommended not sure how they really know what i like becaues im a bit more complex than the average person but ok sure maybe they know i tried to memorize that dance with todd for 2 days anyways skip intro
netflix made it
they recommend you watch it

i just started season 2 and will watch it
there is not much out there to watch on netflix
S1 was different...
after i got over not liking it
watching the ending again a few months later
and thinking about how belief is important and
seems to change/make happen/move toward
when i believe
made me think
even though
not spectacular

i believe
in belief