Nelson Mandela is dead

ellipses gif political drivel ellipses 4chan meme drivel drivel gif ellipses

repeat 60 times

a day in the life of capt tele on tw
lol wat


oh yeah

get it?

Bump, Darkpenis, and Fourskin could combine all of their daily posts together and not create one actual coherent thought or sentence. But they deliver the goods.
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drgn is kind of a twat but your attempts @ bein mean to him are really fucking pathetic cpt adderal

is that your professional diagnosis as an aspiring artist? Or as a hobbyist quack that nobody would ever ask your opinion about?

I just want to know who I should charge my time to.
i'll paint u a picture of a check and mail it to you.

u can turn it in for extra credit at community college.

show everyone how smurt u r. your opinion so important it should be compensated.
now we need some image spam

then a few incoherent essays on partisan politics

meltdown running right on schedule
ellipses rage ............... .. ........ i have no idea why all ............... . . . these periods .............. are here .............