Need programmer for new beer site that will help out the community

Killer Angel

Veteran XX
I know many of you here love craft beer. I have an idea for a web site that could make some money, but I don't know how to program. I am looking for a programmer that wants to help program a beer website that will help out the community. It's a new idea and doesn't exist yet. For more info PM me or email me at powaypat ATgmail DOT com
i think i know your idea

can i email you my idea and you give me some money if its the same idea?
ideas are worth almost nothing these days... especially stupid ones
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One of the better Ali G skits:

"Cause like when the playstation 1 came out, me was tellin me julie: what would be wicked is if they brought out something that was better than this. And then two years later, what came out? Playstation 2."

I forgot to mention, the database is pretty much finished, and so is the design. I just need someone to throw together some code to pull the info from the database and display it. Really, shouldn't take a good coder more than a day.
I forgot to mention, the database is pretty much finished, and so is the design. I just need someone to throw together some code to pull the info from the database and display it. Really, shouldn't take a good coder more than a day.

for 99% of your profits and your firstborn child I will do this
I'm not sure why Piata is getting shit on in this thread, but ideas by themselves are nearly worthless. On the other hand, a team of good contractor programmers is as expensive as fucking shit.

The reason technical cofounders for tech startups are so hard to find is that most of them don't need "idea people."
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40% of your profits go to the Federal Government. No wonder why so many start ups fail.

uh if your start up is making a profit, it's not failing. otherwise it's not paying tax.

you're a moron if you don't understand why

also nominal tax rate for corporations is 35% but the effective tax rate will be much lower

do u just repeat what rush limbaugh says w/o any critical thought?
I'm not sure why Piata is getting shit on in this thread, but ideas by themselves are nearly worthless. On the other hand, a team of good contractor programmers is as expensive as fucking shit.

The reason technical cofounders for tech startups are so hard to find is that most of them don't need "idea people."

Lmao. You're an idiot. Any lamedufk can program this shit