Need Help with Perfect Dark

Ok, so this may be a flash from the past but hopefully someone can help me. So I fired up my N64 and put Perfect Dark in. It brought me to the create new agent screen and I created one. Then it brings me back and I can select it. I chose my new agent name eagerly awaiting the first few moments into the game.

Those never came... After you select a new agent or previous one it should bring you to the menu where you can select single-player, multiplayer (combat simulator), co-op, options, etc.

Problem is everytime I select an agent file it brings me into the combat simulator menu, or multiplayer menu. There is no other controller in the console, and it doesn't recognize one as being in there either.

I cannot find my way to the regular menu no matter how hard I try. Any ideas 64 gurus of TW?

Edit - I'm off to the movies now to see WOTW. Hopefully it's good, i've only heard good things. I hope some of you guys can help! I'll be back later.
Lukeris said:
You need that expansion pack thing to play single player missions, for some retarded reason.

No way! That sucks man. Thank you for telling me though, I would've pulled all my hair out trying to figure it out. Muchas gracias!

P.S. [OFN] War of the Worlds fucking rocked!