Need Help! Sudden power outages?


Veteran X
I woke up this morning to find that my computer had mysteriously shut itself off. "No big deal probably just an overnight power outage on our block." I thought. However, I looked at my bedside clock and all was well. No flashing 12:00 or anything.

Well I get home from school today to try and fix it and found that when I pressed the power on button, there was no response. In fact, even though the power cord was plugged in, the light indicating power was off.

I have tried many different power switches and sockets to see if it is a house problem. No. I tried different cords even. No dice. I am now beginning to suspect the power supply that came with my box.

CPU STATS: (I don't see how these can help with a problem like this bt here goes)
Athlon Xp 2000+
Geforce 4 Ti 4200 128Mb
Lite-on DVD-rom
32x12x48 CD-RW drive (Don't know manufacture)
Soundblaster Live! 5.1 Value
D-Link Network card
Gigabyte 7VRX-P Motherboard
2 sticks of 256 Mb corsair ram
[can't think of anything else atm)

I don't know too much about this really because it is a custom build from .So no power supply model either. All signs point to it though...

At least I think so. These are a few reasons why it might not be: The mouse light is still on. I have an optical mouse and when I have the power cord in, its light is on. I am pretty sure it gets its power from the power supply...

So no power indicator lights on the computer work, nor do the power button or the restart button. So I cannot check on any model numbers/settings right now.

Any suggestions, ideas, help is GREATLY appreciated. I don't know if this is common or not. Thanks in advance.

P.S. Feel free to ask for any other information and I will try my best to recall it.


I found another guy's thread where his power supply fried and thought this might be helpful: There is no smell of smoke or anything odd. No heat from the power supply. All looks well.

Also I had just rebooted from a week and a day's worth of uptime on my box before I went to bed. Overworked the supply?
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I was going to say for sure power supply...except the mouse light being on is strange.

BTW - BUMP the damn thread...dont make a thread to point to this one...that is just dumb/annoying. Hell you're a should know better :bouncy:

edit - NVM...I'm an idiot and didn't even know there was a tech section. :lol:
Try opening the case and unplugging the power going to the motherboard (you can't miss it, it's big). Plug that back in and try again. Also just try wiggling wires around and stuff. Might be a loose connection somewhere. Happens to me all the time after I've been playing with fans and stuff. :p
PowdaHound said:
Try opening the case and unplugging the power going to the motherboard (you can't miss it, it's big). Plug that back in and try again. Also just try wiggling wires around and stuff. Might be a loose connection somewhere. Happens to me all the time after I've been playing with fans and stuff. :p

That's the wierd thing. I hadn't touched it forever.

Lemme do some edits. I have this posted on SA too with no responses thus far.
PowdaHound said:
Try opening the case and unplugging the power going to the motherboard (you can't miss it, it's big). Plug that back in and try again. Also just try wiggling wires around and stuff. Might be a loose connection somewhere. Happens to me all the time after I've been playing with fans and stuff. :p
i have almost the exact same system as you teck and i had the same problem a couple months back. i unplugged the power connector to the mobo and saw there was a fried connector. i replaced the PS and havent had a problem since.