Naruto and Bleach suck - Need suggestions.


Dragon Ball Bleach Z and Dragon Ball Naruto Z.

I'm done with Bleach, I have no hope left for that shitty show. Naruto better start getting good because the last 17 episodes were snore-tastic.

I'm watching Claymore now thanks to TW's recommendation. Pretty solid show, should make for a nice 26 episode series. What's everybody else watching right now, I need some more suggestions.

Edit: Putting this up here so people see it:

I have seen, and loved the following series:

Basilisk, Berserk, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Elfen Lied, FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist, Gankutsuou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Great Teacher Onizuka, GunGrave, Hellsing, Last Exile, Macross Plus, Monster, Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Outlaw Star, Samurai 7, Samurai Champloo, Samurai X, Scrapped Princess, Trigun.

Maybe that helps you narrow down what I would like.

Again, thank you TW.
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Death Note is the best story i've come across...I suggest you pick it up, it's almost done/
I don't know how far the Death note anime goes compared to the manga, but Death Note goes from completely awesome to repetitive and fucking stupid after a while.
dude that one episode of shippuden was amazing. there have been some boring ones, but that one episode made up for it (2-3 weeks ago).

Try Paranoia Agent.
dude that one episode of shippuden was amazing. there have been some boring ones, but that one episode made up for it (2-3 weeks ago).

Try Paranoia Agent.
I've heard good things about Paranoia Agent, hear it's one hell of a mind fuck though. I also heard Serial Experiments Lain was good but that was just too fucking weird and hard to follow for me to enjoy.

btw: Which episode are you talking about?
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I've heard good things about Paranoia Agent, hear it's one hell of a mind fuck though. Which episode are you talking about?

Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about. I thought it was one of the better Naruto episodes yet :shrug:

Yeah, Paranoia Agent is a huge mind fuck. I love that shit so much, one of the best Animes I have ever seen.

I showed it to many of my friends who had never watched Anime before and were extremely skeptical. They all became addicted and we watched all of the 13 episodes in 3 days
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann is the best shit going right now imo. 12th episode will be out soon, pure awesomeness.

Also looking forward to the second episode of Oh! Edo Rocket, or some shit. Nice anime that doesn't take itself too seriously.

RE: mecha animes, its a silly little cliche that doesn't automatically doom an anime to failure. A couple examples of outstanding animes that had mecha shit in them would be Eureka seveN (2006), and Code Geass: Lelouch of The Rebellion which is another ongoing title I'd recommend... I think the next two eps are due out in a couple of months.

Paranoia Agent owned. If you liked that you can definitely check out Boogiepop Phantom, another older anime involving fucking of the mind.
I guess I'll have to add Paranoia Agent to my que.

Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann has a bizarre premise. I heard it was pretty good, I don't know I'll have to do more research.

I have seen, and loved the following series:

Basilisk, Berserk, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Elfen Lied, FLCL, Full Metal Alchemist, Gankutsuou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Great Teacher Onizuka, GunGrave, Hellsing, Last Exile, Macross Plus, Monster, Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Outlaw Star, Samurai 7, Samurai Champloo, Samurai X, Scrapped Princess, Trigun.

Maybe that helps you narrow down what I would like.

Again, thank you TW.