N. Korea says sanctions = war

Know whats cool?

1. NK could go ahead and cease to develop nuclear weapons
2. NK could put the monitoring equipment back on
3. People could lift sanctions against NK!!

HOly fucking shit!
Teh slopes be squirmin'.

Unfortunately we have a T1 mate stationed over there. :(
There "leader" lets the people starve so he can build nukes and leaves the rest of the world to send the poor souls some rice. Then has the gall to say this shit.

Blow that SOB away!
El Mariachi said:
Know whats cool?

1. NK could go ahead and cease to develop nuclear weapons
2. NK could put the monitoring equipment back on
3. People could lift sanctions against NK!!

HOly fucking shit!

your talking about a goverment that starves millions of its own people becaues they are "politically unreliable"
"I believe this will be resolved peacefully, and I believe it can be resolved diplomatically," Bush told reporters Monday after a Cabinet meeting.

Isn't this the same man that called them part of the "axis of evil" not too long ago?

Jeezus man, make up ur fuckin mind. North Korea grows a spine, and all of a sudden Bush gets diplomatic on them? :lol:

PS: I would be much more worried about these fuckers than Iraq, if I were the US gov't. At least Saddam doesn't starve ppl... he just shoots em ;)
Merlock said:
PS: I would be much more worried about these fuckers than Iraq, if I were the US gov't. At least Saddam doesn't starve ppl... he just shoots em ;)

unless you count the 9 years he was fucking around with the unscom inspectors forcing UN sanctions.
yes, lets just drop what were doin with iraq, and go hop on over to N.Korea. then, when another threat shows up, lets drop N.Korea, and head to that one.

oh fuck it, lets not do anything, simply because someone, somwhere MIGHT just make a bigger problem someplace else.:rolleyes:
Chia_Pet said:
yes, lets just drop what were doin with iraq, and go hop on over to N.Korea. then, when another threat shows up, lets drop N.Korea, and head to that one.

oh fuck it, lets not do anything, simply because someone, somwhere MIGHT just make a bigger problem someplace else.:rolleyes:

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Merlock said:
"I believe this will be resolved peacefully, and I believe it can be resolved diplomatically," Bush told reporters Monday after a Cabinet meeting.

Isn't this the same man that called them part of the "axis of evil" not too long ago?

Jeezus man, make up ur fuckin mind. North Korea grows a spine, and all of a sudden Bush gets diplomatic on them? :lol:

Merlock said:
This is your AT&T operator, your post has been disconnected due to lack of clue. Please try your post again in 5-10yrs.

Actually in a round about way he is correct, even though they claim we can fight a 2 front war we really can not, Post cold war draw downs and Clinton administration budget cuts have bled that ability out of the armed forces.

Frankly Saddams threat to our oil supply is more important to us then NK's 10 -15 years down the road direct threat to us as for the near term South Korea and Japan seem to be fine with the idea of having a nuclear gun pointed at thier heads so we have an easy out.
Well, if the end result of all this mess is that N. Korea is permitted to continue thier nuclear weapons program, you can bet your ass you will(eventually) see nukes deployed for and in defense of Japan.