My take on the iPad

Don't forget that it has USB, and some wicked proprietary OS nobody has ever heard of or developed anything for! Sa-weeeeettt!
I want a joojoo too. I thought to myself, if I could get something that's the same price as an iPad at $500 except reduce it's battery life to 3hrs, give it a less responsive processor, no home button, and no app store I'm totally fucking in. Cause it has flash, I mean fuck. FLASH.
I didn't say I'd buy either one of them.

Just wondering where you're getting your specs? The official page says 5 hours with WiFi enabled. The articles I've seen said it had a Via Nano processor (x86 compatible, used in several netbooks).

I have a netbook already that converts into a tablet, I can turn it sideways and it has a home button. Want to know how often I use it in tablet mode? Never. Home button? Never. I don't think the software it would normally launch is even installed.

App store? That's for people that pay for programs, right? You know the last time I used iTunes? I sure don't. It must have been 5 years or so when I couldn't find a particular album for download anywhere else on the Internet in its entirety.

Don't forget that it has USB, and some wicked proprietary OS nobody has ever heard of or developed anything for! Sa-weeeeettt!
USB that the iPad doesn't have, allowing access to all of the peripherals and storage devices that the "wicked proprietary OS" called Linux can make use of.

The fact that it can run Linux (as opposed to the iPad) means there will be distributions developed for it, packages precompiled and made freely available for download.

Or, if the retail version still uses the Via Nano you could probably just install Windows from USB.

With the iPad, Joojoo, or any other true "tablet" device you're probably better off using something other than Windows anyway, be it the iPhone OS, Chrome OS, or some other bastardized version of Linux.
you can say whatever you want but they already sold about 500000 of them so they are doing something right
honestly i'd rather make fake music and autotune the shit out of it and make millions than be some indie garage band
Just wondering where you're getting your specs? The official page says 5 hours with WiFi enabled.

App store? That's for people that pay for programs, right? You know the last time I used iTunes? I sure don't. It must have been 5 years or so when I couldn't find a particular album for download anywhere else on the Internet in its entirety.

USB that the iPad doesn't have, allowing access to all of the peripherals and storage devices that the "wicked proprietary OS" called Linux can make use of.

so battery life is 1/2 of the iPad's at best. you think the app store is mostly paid apps, which means you've never seen the app store. i have like 70 apps on my phone, like 3 i've paid for. i don't know how you being too cheap to buy music is relevant to anything, unless you think that there's no way to get your stolen music on an iPad. As for USB, it just isn't necessary as has been noted in any of the 10 iPad threads.
so battery life is 1/2 of the iPad's at best. you think the app store is mostly paid apps, which means you've never seen the app store. i have like 70 apps on my phone, like 3 i've paid for. i don't know how you being too cheap to buy music is relevant to anything, unless you think that there's no way to get your stolen music on an iPad. As for USB, it just isn't necessary as has been noted in any of the 10 iPad threads.
I wouldn't use anything without a mouse and keyboard for 5 hours, much less 10. Free apps in an app store? Shocking! How many of those 70 apps do you use daily, and how many of them are worthless cruft that looked cool before you downloaded it but now that you have you realize it wasn't worth paying for anyway? How about the three you did pay for?

You're right, I haven't used iTunes since the app store was introduced. I thought the app store was just another section of the iTunes marketplace. Either way, I've never seen a reason to have it on my computer, and I wouldn't want to be forced to use it to update or add new content. My Zune has shit like that which is ones of the reasons I use it less than my $20 Sansa.

USB not necessary? I guess not if you're happy with what Apple thinks you need. I could see using a USB port for infrared, external storage, peripherals that don't use Bluetooth, or whatever else.
As for USB, it just isn't necessary as has been noted in any of the 10 iPad threads.

I like how because you and 2 other people said so in another thread, it makes it true.

If it were true, and it isn't necessary, then apple wouldn't have built in support for usb at all and make you buy a $30 dongle to use it.
I have to admit, the iPad is pretty f'ing cool. I am by no means an Apple fan boy, but I have both an iPhone 3gs as well as an imac. I do agree that the ipad lacks practicality, however if you are sitting in a room with your friends, playing games on it is pretty awesome. Three of us played Worms HD on it for a couple hours as we watched a movie and I could see the potential of other party games coming alive for the ipad.
god when did this site get full of tech noobs, you people fucking suck.

I wouldn't use anything without a mouse and keyboard for 5 hours, much less 10. Free apps in an app store? Shocking! How many of those 70 apps do you use daily, and how many of them are worthless cruft that looked cool before you downloaded it but now that you have you realize it wasn't worth paying for anyway? How about the three you did pay for?

You're right, I haven't used iTunes since the app store was introduced. I thought the app store was just another section of the iTunes marketplace. Either way, I've never seen a reason to have it on my computer, and I wouldn't want to be forced to use it to update or add new content. My Zune has shit like that which is ones of the reasons I use it less than my $20 Sansa.

USB not necessary? I guess not if you're happy with what Apple thinks you need. I could see using a USB port for infrared, external storage, peripherals that don't use Bluetooth, or whatever else.

I don't know why you'd need a keyboard and mouse to read/watch vids/browse web.

free apps used daily:
facebook, aim, weather channel, sportacular, ny times, ap mobile, pandora, i.TV, TUAW, engadget, national football post, streak for the cash, ochocinco

free apps i use when i have a need for them:
shazam, urbanspoon, showtimes, yelp, convertbot, jambase, runkeeper, rotten tomatoes, imdb, webMD, moodagent, flashlight

paid apps:
mlb at bat 2009 - last year's version, used it everyday to listen to or watch baseball games

emergency radio - listen to police scanners from around the country which is very entertaining late at night

fieldrunners - excellent tower defense game

there are more that i would use if i could, but my living situation doesn't allow for private wi-fi networks, so apps like remote and airsharing can't be used. for the examples you list as reasons for a usb, none of them really hold up. i'm assuming you mention infrared for things like home theater control. there are already countless apps to do this via wi-fi. there's not really any reason to ever need to hook it up to an external storage device. all media transfers are done through the 30-pin port on the bottom. if people want a keyboard for it, odds are they are going to buy the keyboard dock or go out and actually purchase a bluetooth keyboard for it. the average consumer doesn't just have keyboards laying around everywhere like the fine folks of tw.