My Salsa [pics]


Veteran XX
Got her over the weekend. She’s an 8 week old Australian shepherd mix. Named her Salsa.




i concur with fancy =/
i just bought some shit to make some salsa and wanted some possible additions
whats up with naming pets after food stuffs you freaks

"and here's my dog biscuit, and my cat ice cream cone, and my fish enchilada, and my ferret tortellini"
I wish I knew what it was mixed with. It doesn' t have a typical australian sheperd coat. The rest of the litter was pure white. This was the only one with some variation in its fur.
I was going to say somthing about me not being able to eat chips right now, as they are hard and pointy

but that dog would be pretty easy to eat [/korean]
TonyMontana said:
i find it hard to believe that something that cute even shits or pisses

yeah, my saint bernard had pupies unexpectedly, it was hard to believe somthing so small could piss and shit so much, and there were 8 of them.
I couldn't even imagine trying to take care of 8 puppies. This little thing is a handful to deal with by itself.