my old deaf dog is barking at ghosts

Perhaps your dog is a medium.

My lab has done the same thing. We were walking along a lake, it was dark but we could still see. She starts barking at nothing and wouldn't go any farther. I'm like, "It's ok, let's go." but the dog pulled me the other direction.
People tell me the signs of ghosts are music when none is playing and low close to non-audible speaking. because of that my room is haunted... it's a bit odd but i've finally started remembering dreams for the first time in 6 years and they've all been good. Maybe Casper is fucking with my head to give me good dreams and music to fall asleep to?

P.S. may sound like a troll but it is true.
If there were ghosts wouldn't we see more evidence of them? Haven't like 60 billion people lived ever? Maybe it's a rip in the space time continuum.