My grandpa is dying

i dunno pls

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I would go, it's not just for your or even your grandpa, but the other people around him - especially your parents in this case would need some support/etc and would benefit from you being there.
Here's my take on it. My Dad died 2 years ago. He was sick for a long time, 3 years or so, so we knew it was coming. Last time I saw my Dad alive the family took him out for lunch, weather was awesome (back home in England), shared a couple of beers, was nice. Few weeks later I was back in Dubai when he died, happened very suddenly and I couldn't get a flight. Few days later funeral time, my Mom wanted me to go and see him all dressed up ready for burial. I didn't want to do it. I preferred to remember him in the pub garden, sun shining, having a beer. I stood my ground and i'm really glad I did. My Dad wouldn't have wanted me to see him laid out on a slab like that. I have awesome memories.
saying goodbye while he's alive and saying goodbye to his dressed up corpse on a slab are two different things, and yes, i will agree, mitch, i wouldn't care to say goodbye to a corpse.
this is such a dumb question to ask that i seriously have to wonder why you would even ask it

I think it's an ok question, provided you're asking other family members what they think, and what their own plans are. Bringing something so personal to this shithole is always a bad idea.
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Hey goshin do ur grandpa know ur gay can I email ur dad ur grindr accnt so u can come out b4 ur grandpa passes
the one bad thing about seeing my grandma die is that iam now terrified of old age

i think i will kill myself at like 45
i've got all 4 grandparents, all in their late 80s or so. He's 90 years old, 4 stints but good health, been a thin dude all his life. Has had some minor strokes but no big deal, saw him in April for my birthday and Easter and he was doing great. Well he has always been great. We have discussions about ww2, his life as a kid and growing up and stuff, being a warden for 30 years all that stuff
always talked about death and dying with him and grandma since at least the last 10 years. He's been in the hospital for 12 days with pneumonia and it swelled his throat so he wont eat now. Hasn't eaten a thing in a week or so. Last friday he was doing pretty alright but not so much now. Basically doctors are saying hey we're gonna send him home or to a nursing home after tomorrow to make him comfortable.

All that for this question:
should I go up to waco and see my cool ass grandpa that bombed munich "munchen for lunchen" 32 times, then married a girl from Munich (lol her mom was pissed) when he is not coherent, weak, and not himself at all, so i can say good bye or whatever that entails...
or should i go to the funeral and do all that there and preserve the memory of said cool ass grandpa from April and the many other times i saw him

i dont know
i've never dealt with death before


wtf is wrong with you. why would you bring this here. Your like that fucking ass that posts his daughters pics on here.

fuckin blocked
If he can see you and enjoy the visit then go for it. If he's fucked up, out cold or won't remember 30 seconds after you left then I might not. I saw my grandpa two days before he passed, out cold on morphine, could barely breathe, gasping for air. He never even knew we were there. It's a shitty memory to have tbfh just for the sake of having a "clean conscious" or whatever. My visit did nothing for him or me. I went to support my mom and grandmother more than anything.
Dude, go see him. Don't be selfish. You'll regret it and he'll be wondering why.

Like Mitch said, skip the casket if it will be open. I don't understand why people do that. It's been 25+ years since my Dad passed and the one image of him I can always remember is the one if him in the casket. Not cool. At all.
My Mom is lingering in her final rehab facility. Her dementia overwhelms me, but when I visit and tell her how much I love her, I know she knows that I know she knows etc. She only has a couple good days left, and I want to be there for all of them. She sleeps like 23 hours a day, with a smile on her face that I am proud to have given her.

In short, Goshin, go give yer grampa one more smile. You will never regret.
i bring personal stuff here cuz i love you, tw
even if you hate me so :(

i've had a few hours to process this, i literally posted right when i found out

so i'm gonna go see him. mom and dad headed up tomorrow and will inform my decision about going saturday or sunday
As someone who has done it both ways (I have no grandparents left)....Go see him for closure so you won't regret not doing it when he does die.