My Case

Crazy8 said:
My case, which (due to this thread) I have decided to name Devourer of Goth (eat it bitches):

that rocks just for creativity heh
btw- i didn't mod my case at all (for anyone thinking i did)

i got it from

well, i did have to mod it a bit on the inside, but that's just cuz chinks getting paid (or more likely not) to build $35 cartoon cat PC cases are bound to fuck up
Xionic said:
Is that SerialATA and maybe some Corsair XMS memory I see FG? Specs pls.

Yes it is Serial ATA, with an adapter. The nice thing about my mobo (Abit IT7 Max2 version2) is that you can use Serial AND IDE at the same time, for a total of 12 devices if you wish. On all other brands that Ive seen with Serial, its either or, including my Asus P4S8X I had. It has a seperate raid controller for it. I just wish it had more than one adapter :( I know Im not getting any more performance than with a IDE cable, but its smaller, and is red :)

I went against the XMS series this time, after my Corsair PC2700 XMS was perfect too. Corsair had some probs with they PC3500 running at cas2 and with aggresive settings. I went with the new Kingston PC3500 cas2, and it hasnt given me a problem yet. Running at DDR 412 right now with every thing set to fastest. With a very nice score of over 3300 on Sisofts Mem bench. Pretty close to Rambus and dual memory configs.

edit, I like those clear cases MastaPowers. I didnt get one because a) couldnt find a full server tower in one, and b) it is not EM shielded.
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Yeha my back(of case) is completly open and can easily attract static electricity., not as nice as your rig but it does the trick.

i have to move down the floppy drive to where it is sapose to be.

i was going to get a LCD screen and put it there but ran out of money.
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Those LCD screens are nice :) Im farily capable of soldering and wires, but Im a little nervous about getting it to work. I got a good friend who is great at it though. Id like to have one as well.. but that would probably be the last thing on my list. Im pretty much done for now, everything is just about maxed out on my comp, except for the video card becuase the GeForce FX keeps getting delayed and screwed me over :mad:
thats a bummer, the water cooling looks hot.

sweet setup.

my case is micky moused in ways, due to losing job and lack of money.

I hope when i can get some money up to eventualy pimp it out similiar to yours.
I have that same big black monolith of a case, minus all the gay mods (read: all mods). It's too goddamn heavy and the fans are too loud.
Crazy8 said:
My case, which (due to this thread) I have decided to name Devourer of Goth (eat it bitches):

Where did you get that? My gf would probably be very interested in something like that.