MY big fat annoying fiance appreciation thread


Veteran X
I generally don't watch reality shows, or TV in general. But this show had to be the funniest thing I have seen on TV in a while. Basically for anyone that didn’t see it. The general idea of the show is that some hot chick has to convince her picky family to let her marry this overweight annoying John Belushi-like guy. If she does she gets 500,000. The catch is that he is an actor and is purposely trying to be as obnoxious as possible.
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no she wins a million dollars, part of the hoax is that she thinks he's a real person, and that he's holding his end of the bargain for 500,000
She has to convince her family and freinds to belive her and come to the wedding, they go all the way to i do then break the news it was all fake for the cash
PlancksConstant said:
Uh what? So she is really marrying the guy? Or is he just a setup for the show?

it's a setup. in order for her to win the money, she has to get all her parents and family to STAY at the wedding and not try and stop it. They're not actually getting married, but if she blows her cover and tells her parents its fake she gets nothin'
Actually it was fuckng boring till the end..

Seeing a nice teacher bitch break down and cry because some1 is a fatass jerk is GREAT.

reminds me of Aestis vrs GFG but twisted.
She could always just say to her parents what the show is about. I really doubt they have a camera on her from the moment she agrees to the show, to when they finally shoot the show.