Most Users Ever Record

Krobar said:
will it work if we just leave the forums open and we're not around? or what if we're here already and just hit refresh? :p

You'll have to refresh since HTTP is not a persistent connection. duh!
because i have no life on a saturday night, i will log in as you request. if i had a life, you would be out of luck.

How about a custom title for the one who creates the first happy bday thread at 8:00.00000000 est and 24 hour parody ban everyone who creates one after even if it is 0.003 secs after.
I think there should be glamorous prizes for those of us regged since day one.

Oh, and hookers too.
At 8pm, post a fake message on one of the really big forums, saying the full 28 minute Paris Hilton video is downloadable here.

That should help get the #'s up. ;)