More Moore


Veteran X
Well as we all know by now, Fahrenheit 9/11 is set to open in theaters this Friday and is likely the most talked about movie release since The Passion. Well about until now the only thing I've ever seen promoting the movie was a poster that had Moore peaking out from behind an envelope that read "confidential." Well now there is a new poster out and I think it may be the funniest poster for a movie that I've ever seen.

Here it is:

For those of you too lazy to look, the poster has Moore and Bush standing on the White House lawn holding hands and smiling with the line "Controversy...what controversy?" above it.
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the passion was over hyped.

this is overhyped.

poltics are overhyped.

it's a movie.

let's see how many more one-liners i can make.

no, let's not.
rofl, you typed the adres sin the wrong box :lol:

how is that the funniest poster you ever saw?

are you 11?
Ok, let's get this straight right now.

If your thread title does not explicity state "Michael Moore", there had damned well better be some hot pics of Mandy Moore contained within.

Seriously guys.
[Khorne]Johnny X said:
Ok, let's get this straight right now.

If your thread title does not explicity state "Michael Moore", there had damned well better be some hot pics of Mandy Moore contained within.

Seriously guys.
I don't know if even Mandy Moore can offset that fat ass.