More Maps...

Learn from the mistakes of a few, and you will not make those mistakes in many.

They're still working on the current maps based on feedback from everyone playing beta. If they see terrible flaws in the few maps they've got out now, they can fix those flaws in the current maps and see how it all works out, instead of trying to fix individual problems in several more maps at the same time. The fewer maps they work with, the more time they can spend on fixing major problems spanning the whole collection and less spent on smaller changes that might not matter as much.

Translation: if they put out more maps for beta, a) they might lose money come release time, and b) more feedback comes in concerning little problems with that particular map and less about the maps overall.

Plus, the fewer maps there are, the easier it is for players to get acquainted with them (as you obviously have) and test them thoroughly with advanced tactics and possible exploits. Remember, we're not simply enjoying the game: we're testing it before release so that things don't get all fcuked months after release when they can't do anything.
2 or 3 more maps isnt alot to ask plus how are they gonna test glitches in other maps if never put into beta
On one hand you hold some weight jmat, Haunt and ho-.

But the scale is tipped by boulders on the other side; I.E - bigger concerns to worry about than individual map problems.

You have to think proportionally here. :worried:
