More Libertard Logic on Transgenders


could you be any more from Buffalo?

At a wing place near me they have blanch (Bleu cheese and ranch) which is p damn good

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I should have anticipated this semantic snivel. Consider the case of just one American, and let's say it's me. There is no way I can convince you that I'm an American. I don't believe there is any American that didn't vote Trump can convince you that they are American, because no matter how much evidence you are given, you'll find a conspiracy that says the evidence is false. I'll show you my birth certificate, and you'll find a smudge at the bottom that tells you it's fake. You are a person that doesn't understand the concept of preponderance, you don't live in reality and that's why people don't respond to you much.
Lotta dribble right there to sidestep why you omitted the word legal in front of citizen.
Lotta dribble right there to sidestep why you omitted the word legal in front of citizen.

My point is that there is no way to prove to you or any conservative that a democratic voter is a legal citizen. Once we institute a government ID, and Chicago blacks start lining up to get one, you and people like you are going to question the legitimacy of each person.

Pro-tip: once every LEGAL American can vote from their device, the conservatives are in a lot of trouble. My silly wet dream is that the Republican party will reorganize on the principles it was founded on, and I'll be a Republican again.
vanster are you paleo

what i'm getting at is that the next "south dakuta action" should decide once and for all between paleo and keto unless those are the same thing
vanster are you paleo

what i'm getting at is that the next "south dakuta action" should decide once and for all between paleo and keto unless those are the same thing

No, just vegetarian. I am an adherent of fasting, and used to use that prior to races, but my diet is basically plant-based. Jim Walmsley eats whatever he feels like, and other very good runners are paleo. My Inclination is that it's a fad, but there isn't any data that's good yet.
i am also a fast kind of guy. i lost 60 lbs over the past year by massively cutting back sugar and doing an 18 hr fast once a week. maybe it is not a strong running "fast" diet but fat people need to lose weight too.
i am also a fast kind of guy. i lost 60 lbs over the past year by massively cutting back sugar and doing an 18 hr fast once a week. maybe it is not a strong running "fast" diet but fat people need to lose weight too.
I do have running friends that every night their supper is a steak and a salad.
From the best I can tell, the weight loss thing is keep moving through the day, and stay away from sugar.
they say crack and meth help too

Dude, you're talking to an ultrarunner. Every field I've started includes people that have used those things, past or present, prison time, facial tattoos.

Ultra distance runners aren't thin because they maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's usually them substituting an addiction to running for something else. Or, just have a tortured soul and pain has become something they need.

Wow, that became a fountain of Vanster that no one asked for. Alcohol is the only drug I've ever done, unless you count endurance sports. No tattoos.