Monitor Scrolling, Halp me cause im sooo nooob

I'm guessing the cable or card isn't dual link. You need more bandwidth to get the full resolution to the monitor. Lower resolutions would work fine because single link has enough bandwidth.

This will help you ID for cable:
Image:DVI Connector Types.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, make sure you're using the native resolution. Being the higher or lowest setting means nothing to us (though, most often, the highest option is the native) because we don't know what options it is giving you..

Edit: Refresh rate set to 60 Hz?
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im using the native res, i had to install new drivers to support the resolution

its weird, i would imagine without the dual link it would just not support higher resolutions. It displays resolutions fine just in this "zoomed in" mode
ok so i checked the cable and my card, both are dual link (Solid pin pattern, no gap in the middle of the pins)

refresh rate is set at 60

i dont get it
if you are running the newest driver and are still having the problem, create a custom resolution that matches your monitors native resolution and use it. should fix the panning issue
if you are running the newest driver and are still having the problem, create a custom resolution that matches your monitors native resolution and use it. should fix the panning issue

Yeah i did that and ended up replacing it with the omega driver (it supports the native res)

still panns, i really dont get it
What is the video card?

ATI cards have a "panning mode". Find that option, make sure it is off. Even turn it on, then back off.
goto the nvidia control panel (it's separate from the display properties) and find the "change flat panel scaling" window

set that to "use nvidia scaling"
im pretty sure its an 8300 gs, a pretty cheap nvidia sli dx10 card

ive tried all teh scaling modes in the nvidia control panel and they all display the same, maybe i need to reboot in between? I'm usually pretty good at trouble shooting this stuff, its boggles my mind
At this point in time it's time to try another machine or see if anyone else on dells forums is bitching about this with your card.
it works fine on the machine i took it off

i literally just took the cable out of that machine and stuck it in mine, then swapped over power and ethernet