mod_rewrite problems

the wolffman

Veteran X
of all the fucking simple things in the world, i can't get my server to prevent hotlinks as i want it to.

just want to make a hotlinked image show an image defined by me. i want to make a large donation to sircle's girls thread, but i don't want fucking bastards to hog up the precious bandwidth. so if they do try, the picture hotlinked will simply say "bitch". i got the preventing part of the code to work, but the redirecting portion doesn't want to work.

believe me, i've gone through the many tutorials on google. i read through all of them. even tutorials for adult porn websites (it makes sense that they'd make a tutorial). still, no dice. :(

please, please help!
more info needed.

webserver version, os version, what file and changes did you make that you think are right that arent working, etc
I'd personally just use an Action directive, and have it run a script that checks the HTTP_REFERER variable. For any referer that's not tw's, print the bitch picture, else print the desired picture.

edit: I've never done this before, but this is how I'd do it :/