[MOBA] Nosgoth



Nosgoth is a free to play, third person MOBA style game developed by Square Enix

Official Site

Brief Description

Nosgoth offers team-based humans vs. vampire action, played from a third-person perspective. Humans use weaponry and specialised equipment, while vampires boast supernatural abilities, and are dangerous in close combat. They have sharp teeth, you know.

Nosgoth is developed by Psyonix, and will be released on PC by way of Steam.

“At Psyonix, we’re passionate about team-based multiplayer games,” reads a statement on the Nosgoth blog. “When Square Enix approached us to help create Nosgoth, we were excited to use our experience working on titles like Bulletstorm, Gears of War, Mass Effect 3, and Unreal Tournament 2004 to deliver something unique in the multiplayer genre.

“We made the decision to go to free-to-play to break down barriers and let as many players into the game as possible. One of the key goals has been to create a fair experience that doesn’t penalise players who don’t spend money in the game, as such Nosgoth doesn’t include items, weapons or abilities that are inherently better (aka supremacy goods).”

You can sign on for the closed beta on the official Nosgoth website.
I like F2P. Usually dont like Beta testing, but I LOVE the legacy of kain universe, so will be checking this one out.
Made by SquareEnix (who are currently desperate for $$$). After seeing how they've been handling FFXIV, no thanks. :weird:
I bought the Nosgoth games on GoG.com, but my fond memories of the Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver games had betrayed me.

Fucking nostalgia...some games you should never try to play again years later. The controls, graphics and gameplay are ALWAYS much, much shittier than you imagined.
So we're going to continue in the Legacy of Kain universe with a F2P MOBA...ish... Game? Hard to say if that'll work out well or not.
I registered for the closed beta, If i get in I will tell you guys what my impressions of the early work are.