Midair Alpha Launching 26th March

As indie devs they are doing great. Leaps and bounds ahead of Tribes Ascend. Funny the other day i was thinking about how fun it was to disc mine ppl on IceRidge, and got sad about how ill never be able to hop in a game and experience something similar to what T1 and T2 was. This is really filling a gaming void in my life, and i hope the community is strong enough to keep the servers active, something similar to Chivalry. Just a few active servers for the rest of our lives is all we need!
I was going to get a quick map in after work...


this is going well
Much better than Tribes Ascend and Tribes Vengeance. It's still got some rough edges but this is probably the best non Dynamix Tribes game we will ever get.
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I'm sitting here reading the posts that praise this game and I'm left scratching my head until it bleeds.

The game feels like that piece of shit Legends attempt at recreating t1. All bad. Stop it.
I'm sitting here reading the posts that praise this game and I'm left scratching my head until it bleeds.

The game feels like that piece of shit Legends attempt at recreating t1. All bad. Stop it.

do i need a supercomputer for this
After playing it for around four hours now i'm starting to like the game a bit more. I think the ideas for most maps are pretty ok. All just pretty fluent and straight forward the way tribes is supposed to be. The game is pretty fast paced as well.

I kind of dislike the way the weapons feel though. Aiming with the disc launcher just feels off and i really dislike the nade throws. I guess i'll get used to it. For now at least i play for 20/30 minutes every day when i have the time for it. :shrug:

I'm just really having a hard time getting past this wank sound design. God it's so horrible.
y the fuck do we want to support bugs and mabel

bugspray is a good guy

but i understand not wanting to financially support mabel

also 100% agree with sehvi on the sound design - its pretty bad. the jetpack sounds like a dollar-store hot-air-balloon. weapons are even worse and there are a lot of times where you die and hear no weapon sound so you have no idea what killed you
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