Meyer gone?

bob and pam tebow, tebow tim tebow he has it is what he has, cut the head off the snake.

this is kind of a shocker, i thought he was just talking about how he'd stay at florida as long as they'd have him...either he's dying or he's banging tebow
are you people retarded

theyve been plastering the fact hes had health issues for the past few years everywhere
Meyer is a headcase. You can see the complete humiliation and embarrassment on his face when he loses, as well as the utter satisfaction when he's humiliating a rival. The smuggest and happiest I've ever seen him was calling the timeouts at the end of that Georgia game up by like 50 points, after obsessing over the previous meeting all year. Maybe its what makes him such a good coach, but he is definitely one of the biggest egos in coaching. It's probably good he gets out now, with all the talent and Tebow leaving, not sure if he'd be able to handle the adversity of rebuilding--while having the rest of the conference gunning for him. With all the shit-talking him and Kiffin have been doing, he would probably have another breakdown if he lost to Tennessee next year.
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